Stewardship of Electronic Content Policy
Well亚博永久官网esley College的电子内容政策的管道设立了Wellesley College的电子内容隐私的例外,包括在员工离开后保留和获取电子内容。
Wellesley College strives to protect the privacy of electronic content and any sensitive data contained therein stored or accessed on its information technology resources. As the custodians of electronic content, Library & Technology Services (LTS) will not inappropriately access or disclose information contained in an individual’s electronic content. However, there are certain exceptional instances in which it is necessary for the College to access and/or disclose the electronic content of members of the Wellesley College Community, and LTS staff will only do so under direction of the appropriate electronic content stewards at the College. This policy outlines the exceptions to electronic content privacy and establishes procedures for accessing electronic content in these cases. It also addresses the retention of accounts for accessing electronic content following separations from the College. For a detailed overview, see theaccount terminations table.
This policy applies to all members of the Wellesley College community that have access to electronic content (as defined below) through the College’s information technology resources, including all faculty, staff, students, alumnae, contract and temporary workers, consultants, and any other individual who access or store electronic content.
3.1 Definitions
A data custodian is responsible for maintaining the technology infrastructure that supports access to the data, safe custody, transport and storage of the data and provide technical support for its use. A data custodian is also responsible for implementation of the business rules established by the electronic content steward.
Electronic Content Steward
An electronic content steward is responsible for authorizing access to electronic accounts including granting special access for new accounts, revoking access in the case of violations of College policy and granting access to existing accounts to third parties in the case of the exceptions outlined below.
Electronic Content
For the purposes of this document, electronic content is defined as all content that is stored under the ownership of a community member in central servers in the College network, College telephony systems, College negotiated outsourced services, and all content stored in the College provided desktops and laptops of faculty and staff (e.g,. files stored in NTM fileserver, webserver, Sakai, Google Apps for Education, and voicemail).
4.1 Responsibilities
Each constituency group at Wellesley College is assigned an electronic content steward for managing access to those accounts in accordance with this policy:
Type of Account | Electronic Content Steward |
Faculty | Provost |
Staff | 财务与行政副总裁亚博vip首页 |
学生(入学) | Dean of Students |
Alumnae | 校外协会执行董事 |
Under special circumstances, the Provost, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Dean of Students and Executive Director of the Alumnae Association may make exceptions to this policy for faculty, staff, students and alumnae respectively.LTS staff serve as the data custodians of all electronic content in employee and student accounts. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has overall responsibility for this policy.
4.2 Exceptions to electronic content privacy
Wellesley College的电子内容亚博永久官网被认为是私人的,并且学院不会被访问或披露,除非在下列情况下:
- In response to a court order or subpoena;
- For investigations involving human resource matters;
- If there is reasonable suspicion of violation of any Wellesley College policy, includingAcceptable Use,Written Information Security ProgramorCopyright Policy, or of any federal or state laws or regulations;
- In health and safety emergencies;
- When the electronic content owner or account subscriber is unavailable for an extended period, and the information is necessary to conduct college business; OR
- The content owner gives explicit permission to an LTS staff member to access specific content to help resolve problems.
除了这些电子内容隐私外,Wellesley College还保留在与大学终止就业后访问个人电子内容的权利。亚博永久官网有关访问不再使用Wellesley College的个人的信息,请参阅第4.7节。亚博永久官网
4.3 Court order or other legal request for electronic content
The College may be under a legal obligation to respond to subpoenas by producing information stored on Wellesley's information technology resources.Any court order or other legal request for submission of electronic content files or mail records will be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Access to or disclosure of electronic content in response to this kind of request will only be carried out under the direction of the Vice President or his/her designee.
实际内容的请求方response to a subpoena will vary depending on the specific circumstances, as a third-party subpoena typically does not require the production of all a specific user's content. After receiving a subpoena, the CIO will identify one or more LTS staff members to assist in collecting the data as required by the subpoena and in consultation with the attorneys and the appropriate senior staff member. The College may choose to collect a snapshot of all of a user's content, such as email, computer hard drive, etc., for the purpose of evaluating what will be produced. The staff involved will be required to treat each of these cases with strict confidentiality.
4.4 Electronic content requests for possible legal or policy violations or Human Resources matters
When access to electronic content is requested for potential legal or policy violations or investigation of Human Resources matters, permission must first be obtained from the appropriate electronic content steward or designee.
Examples of these matters may include when complaints such as sexual or other types of harassment or unfair treatment have been filed and HR has determined in consultation with legal counsel that the College needs to preserve the electronic content of those involved for further investigation. Once permission is obtained, LTS staff will provide access to the requesting party under the direction of the CIO in accordance with the details of the request approved by the electronic content steward. The College’s legal counsel will be consulted as appropriate.
如果发生健康和安全紧急情况,可能有必要访问或向本地,州或联邦应急响应者披露电子内容,或者对学院紧急响应相关的官员。在这些情况下,LTS工作人员只会在CIO的方向下获取或披露电子内容,并回应Wellesley College Campus警察主任,卫生服务主任,咨询服务董事,学生院长的董事亚博永久官网或他们的指定人员。
As soon as is practicable, the CIO will notify the appropriate electronic content steward about what data was accessed and from whom, and any other relevant details related to the request.
There are many situations in which employees may take an extended leave of absence. In planned absences, employees are expected to place an out-of-office reply on their electronic mail account directing people who to contact in their absence. In some cases where access to their electronic mail may be necessary, the employee may choose to forward their incoming mail to another employee. For unplanned extended absences, it may be necessary for the College to access incoming mail for continuity of business operations. In these rare instances, a request may be made by the appropriate electronic content steward to the CIO, who will arrange for incoming mail to be forwarded to the employee’s supervisor.
4.7 Retention of and access to electronic content following separation from the College
Procedures for employees
In the case of amicable separations, the employee will be advised to create an out-of-office electronic mail response two weeks prior to the last date of employment to redirect incoming mail to his or her supervisor. The employee’s access to all accounts and electronic content will be terminated within 24 hours of their termination date. At the time of termination, any electronic content, including incoming or existing electronic mail and voicemail messages, will be made available to the prior employee’s academic chair or department head, or his or her designee,经助理副总裁人力资源和CIO的要求和批准。分离后两周后,将删除语音邮件消息。分离后6个月后,将删除所有其他电子帐户和相关数据。员工将意识到这些程序,以便他或她可以做出必要的准备工作。
Special procedures for faculty
- The faculty member will have exactly the same access that they had as an employee of the College for one additional month after the official termination date (until Jan 31 for Fall termination, or July 31 for Spring termination).
- 该教师将有权访问教育和Sakai的Google Apps额外一个月 - 直到2月28日或8月31日。
- On Feb 28 or August 31, faculty member will lose access to Google Apps for Education and Sakai and can request to forward emails to a non-Wellesley account for the next three months.
The only exception to the above rule regarding retention of access to electronic content occurs for retired and current faculty and staff that are considered part of the “President’s Club,” with greater than 25 years of service at the College. These employees retain access to their domain accounts and electronic content indefinitely, except in the case of non-amicable terminations (see below).
Procedures for non-amicable terminations
When a faculty or staff member’s employment with the College is terminated and the separation is non-amicable, all access to computer accounts and electronic content will be terminated immediately. This practice is true regardless of the employee’s length of service with the College. When an employee is terminated non-amicably, they abdicate any prior privileges for lifetime access to Google Apps,除了在学院工作的alumnae(见下文)。At the time of separation, any electronic content, including incoming or existing electronic mail or voicemail, will be made available to the terminated employee’s academic chair or department head, or his or her designee, upon request and approval by the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and the CIO. After 6 months following separation, all accounts and associated data will be deleted.
Procedures for deceased employees, students and alumnae
If a current employee, student oralumna成为死者,她或他的受益人或遗产有权要求在死亡后2年后获得她或他的电子内容的权利,以收集死者的房地产管理的个人资料。亚博vip首页这些请求将由与学院律师协商的案例逐案。将注意到,以确保在已故员工的情况下提供电子内容中包含的任何敏感的大学数据的隐私。2年后,将删除已故人的所有电子内容。
Procedures for students and alumnae
Students retain access to their domain accounts for six months following graduation in order to allow access to their transcripts. Beginning with the class of 2012, alumnae will retain access to their content in Google Apps for Education indefinitely.However, if an alumna is working for the College and a non-amicable separation occurs, access to the existing email address and all associated content and services will be terminated immediately. LTS will create a new email address for the alumna to be used for personal use only. In consultation with Human Resources, LTS will add an out-of-office notification to the original email address that alerts senders that the alumna is no longer working for the College and refers them to this new email address.
5.0 Enforcement
In the case of any violations of existing College policy or applicable state or federal law, the College reserves the right to use its discretion in addressing the violation, including terminating access to electronic content and/or sharing access to the electronic content with others.
6.0 Policies Cross-Referenced
这一政策咨询委员会批准on Library and Technology Policy and the President’s Cabinet and went into effect 4/6/2012. This policy was updated 2/27/2014 and 3/23/15.