
亚博永久官网Wellesley College Archives访问政策

1. Introduction

The Archives is open to all researchers, including those from outside Wellesley. We are committed to providing open access to our collections as far as possible within the limits of privacy, confidentiality, and preservation. Although many records and manuscript collections are open for use, there are materials held by the Archives that are subject to access restrictions. For institutional data, some restrictions are mandated by laws such asFERPA(Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), while others are determined by the Archives in conjunction with the records-creating department or office. Wellesley College adheres to the获取原始研究材料的指导方针是美国图书馆协会和美国档案家协会的联合声明。

Restrictions on access to manuscript collections are informed by the need to balance access and confidentiality in records. Often this is stipulated in the terms of the gift agreement governing the donation of the material. In negotiating these agreements, the Archives seeks to secure the greatest access possible, and will stipulate a set period for any restrictions to expire so that materials may be available for use. For older collections, access is determined by the College Archivist.

对研究人员开放的集合可能会因病情和格式而有限制,并受版权法。由于收集在汇总层面处理,因此收集内的单个物品可能太脆弱,无法安全地处理或可能包含机密信息。档案期望研究人员遵循所有相关法律和Wellesley Collegicies。亚博永久官网


2. Definitions


The workflow of documenting the physical or digital transfer of materials to an archives. Archives staff record where the materials came from and when they came to the archives, and provide a brief description of their contents. Materials are accessioned as soon as possible after they arrive at the Archives.


档案材料的布置,描述和外壳用于存储和使用研究人员的使用。Archives process collections to support physical preservation of their contents, to facilitate researcher use, and to protect the privacy of the people whose lives are documented in their collections. Because collections vary in size, content, and format, archivists use professional judgement to determine what processing work, if any, is needed before a collection can be made available to researchers.

Open for research


Closed for research

A collection or portion of a collection that is closed for research may be accessed only by designated people (see Section 3,访问档案中的集合)。集合的全部或部分都可能关闭,因为:

  • it is unprocessed
  • it contains materials in a restricted access category (see Section 4,学院记录的访问类别的)
  • it has been reviewed by Archives staff or by the originating department and determined to contain confidential information
  • in the case of a manuscript collection, the donor and the College Archivist have agreed to close all or part of a collection

College records

Wellesley的学术和行政部门在日常工作中产生的记录。具有历史价值的大学记录由学院档案家评估档案馆的收购。就本文件而言,Wellesley College Alumnae协会和学生组织的记录被认为是大学记录亚博永久官网。

Manuscript collections

A collection of personal or family papers, as opposed to the institutional records created by an organization.. Althoughmanuscriptliterally means handwritten, a manuscript collection can include a multitude of formats, such as photographs, scrapbooks, printed works, and audiovisual materials.


All researchers will be granted access to all open collections, and to open portions of partially restricted collections, in accordance with the rules of the College Archives. Open collections are listed on the Archives website.

Donors of manuscript collections shall have access to their own collections.

All college records, even those designated as closed for research, shall be open to the College President and members of the Board of Trustees.

所有记录的学术或行政department, even those designated as closed for research, shall be open to the ranking officer of that department or division, as well as any other college employees as deemed appropriate by that ranking officer.

All records of a student organization shall be open to the ranking officer of that organization, as well as any college employees or other students, as deemed appropriate by that ranking officer.

Current and former students seeking access to their own records in the Archives, such as a transcript or Dean’s file, should contact the originating department.



4. Categories of access to College records

College records fall into one of four access categories:


Open without restriction




然后,审查Wellesley College档案馆和记录创建部亚博永久官网门或办公室,记录不受限制。通常,支持行政和业务活动的大多数大学记录以及大多数学生组织记录,属于此类别。


Closed 75 years from records’ creation

Then, subject to review by the Wellesley College Archives, and the records-creating department or office, the records are open without restriction. Typically, records containing personal information about an individual or individuals, such as student academic records, employment records, and files on individual donors, fall under this category.

类别4:限制大学记录(关闭more than 20 years)

The following types of records have the following restriction periods:

Board of Trustees records are restricted for 50 years after creation.

Office of the President records are restricted for 20 years after a president’s administration ends.

学院and staff biographical files are restricted for 5 years after the person’s death.


Class record books are restricted for 90 years after the class graduates, except to alumnae from that class.




Archives Reading Room Rules
Archives Copyright and Permissions Policy
