The professional responsibilities of the faculty are determined by our common commitment to learning in all of its various aspects.
Responsibilities of Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
目标的目标teachingare to transmit knowledge, encourage critical thought, and engage students in the process of inquiry. Energetic engagement in the classroom and serious commitment to the intellectual growth of students are essential ingredients of an effective teacher. Faculty are therefore expected to:
- 按计划达到所有课程,维护定期办公时间;
- teach at all levels of the curriculum and at a variety of times and days across the class schedule;
- 学生的挑战setting high academic standards;
- mentor and advise students throughout the term, including the reading and examination periods;
- direct student independent work, such as 350s, 360s, and 370s;
- 及时和歧视学生工作的评估;和
- write letters of recommendation for students, when appropriate.
Scholarship and Professional Activity
目标的目标scholarshipare the production of new knowledge, the encouragement of a sustained intellectual life, and the use of this intellectual engagement to enliven discussion in the classroom and within the college community and beyond. Faculty are therefore expected to:
- 通过出版原始研究或通过创造性工作的展览/表现来展示学术成长和成就;
- present the results of their research at professional meetings; and
- engage students as active partners in their scholarship, when appropriate.
An additional hallmark of scholarship is involvement in professional life within and beyond the boundaries of the college. Faculty are therefore expected to contribute in such ways as the following:
- 参观访问委员会,对奖学金或托管和促进评论的同行审查;和
- 通过智力领导,演示,书籍和文学评论或其他形式的专业活动促进其专业领域。
目标的目标服务are to create an inclusive, cohesive community of scholars and to sustain and enhance the central role that faculty governance plays in the liberal arts tradition. Furthermore, service to the college sustains and enhances the quality of the faculty and the excellence of the academic program. Faculty are therefore expected to:
- serve on departmental and college-wide committees;
- be willing to assume departmental duties, including serving as chair; and
- be active in the various forums and activities that constitute extra-curricular learning or contribute to the governance and well-being of the college.
人力资源保持一个资源的工作/生活页面that may also be helpful.