Book 1
Please click on the link above (Book 1) to read the following articles:
I. Government of the College
II. The Academic Council
III. Meetings of the Academic Council
IV. Departmental and Extradepartmental Instruction
V. Committees of the Academic Council
VI. Committees of the Board of Trustees with Faculty and Student Members
VII. Joint Committees and Organizations
VIII. Department Organization
IX. Faculty Appointment Policies
X. Promotion Policies
XI. Tenure Provisions
XII. Sabbatical Leave Policy
XIII. Early Leave Policy
XIV. Pension, Sick Leave, Insurance, Home Ownership Programs
XV. Other Leaves
Book 2
Please click on the link above (Book 2) to read the following articles:
当你点击c的表ontents in the link, it will bring you to the legislation.
I. Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
II. Credit for Work Outside Normal Program and Acceleration
III. Research or Individual Study
IV. Honors
V. Examinations, Final Papers, and Term Papers
VI. Assignments and Incomplete Work
VII. Grading and Reports
VIII. Diploma-Grade Standing and Standard for Graduation
IX. Academic Distinction
X. Scheduling of Academic Appointments
XI. Election of Courses
XII. Violation of Academic Principle