Applicant Name:亚博永久官网
Applicant Address:106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02481-8203 Phone: 781-283-1000
Organization Type:Private, Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
Date of 501(c)(3):April, 1946 (affirmed June 8, 2004)
Carnegie Classification:4-Year Undergraduate, Baccalaureate Colleges - Arts & Sciences
Controller's Office:Controller's Office, Administration and Finance
Chief Financial Officer:
Piper Orton
Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer
President's Office
Green Hall, Room 350, Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203
Phone: 781-283-2239
Federal Entity Identification Number or Tax ID Number:04-2103637
DUNS Number:076572965
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI):Z17DSLNJ1DX1
Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPE ID):222400
U.S. Congressional District:MA-004 - Congressional District 4
U.S. Representative:Joseph P. Kennedy
U.S. Senators:Elizabeth Warren & Ed Markey
Federal-wide Assurance Approval:FWA00000598
NSF Organization Code:0022244000
Animal Assurance No.:A3840-01
Indirect Cost (F&A) Rate:75% (Salary and Wage Based)
Negotiated With:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Date of Agreement: 03/24/2021(Effective dates: 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2025)
Salary and Benefits:
Faculty Academic Year Fringe Benefit Rate: 34.6%
Faculty Summer Fringe Benefit Rate: 34.6%
Other Professional: 34.6%
Casual Wage/Temporary employees: 7.7%
Summer Students 7.7%
Faculty Academic Year Fringe Benefit Rate: 34.6%
Faculty Summer Fringe Benefit Rate: 34.6%
Other Professional: 34.6%
Casual Wage/Temporary employees: 10%
Summer Students 10%
Short Description of Wellesley College:As the world’s preeminent college for women, Wellesley College is known for intellectual rigor, its belief in the enduring importance of service and its cultivation in students of an inclusive, pragmatic approach to leadership. Wellesley College, outside of Boston, Massachusetts, boasts one of the most beautiful campuses in North America, with over 2 million square feet of buildings built on 500 acres.
Wellesley College Graduates and Research:Wellesley College is a highly competitive, undergraduate women's college with a long-standing commitment to excellence in research. According toNSF's Survey of Earned Doctorates (2017), Wellesley College is among the top 10 institutions within its Carnegie classification (Baccaulareate Colleges) for graduates going on to earn research doctorates. Additionally,NSF's survey of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering (2019), ranks Wellesley College among the top 50 institutions in the US (regardless of Carnegie Classification) for female graduates going on to earn doctoral degrees.This success stems largely from Wellesley's institutional commitment to superb research facilities, cutting-edge instrumentation, a high level of extramurally funded faculty research, and active student participation throughout the research program.
For additional information on the Wellesley College Student Body and other Statistical Information, visit ourInstitutional Researchpage.
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