Cross-Registration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Under the terms of our cross-registration agreement, Wellesley students may cross-register, during the fall and spring semesters, for those MIT courses for which they meet prerequisites, including both undergraduate and graduate courses. Courses students take at MIT count toward their Wellesley degrees and the grades from those courses are reported on the transcript, counted in the Wellesley GPA and included in the calculation of Latin Honors. MIT courses do not automatically fulfill Wellesley distribution requirements, count toward Wellesley majors, or receive 300-level credit. Procedures for applying MIT courses to those requirements are described below.

的following restrictions on cross-registration apply:

  • Wellesley students may cross-register for one credit bearing cross-registered course per semester, not including UROPs (effective beginning Fall 2020).
    • Exception can be made in cases where a course is part of a two-course half-semester pairing, for example 6.0001 & 6.0002
  • Students may not receive credit for the same course more than once, even when MIT students are permitted to do so. If a student, with permission of the instructor, does take a course for a second time, the grade for the second iteration of the course will be noted on the transcript, but will not factor into the grade point average, and the notation will indicate that no credit is awarded.
  • First-semester first-year students may not cross-register at MIT
  • Students cross-registering at MIT during their final semester should be aware that differences in academic calendars may result in delays in receipt of MIT grades that can delay degree processing until October (more info below).
  • Effective Fall 2018, Wellesley students will not receive credit for completion of the following MIT courses: 17.S914, 17.922, 17.923, 17.901, 17.902, 17.903 and 17.905

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) at MIT

UROP enables students to join the research efforts of MIT faculty in a number of departments. Students considering a UROP project can learn about finding a UROP position through theTips for Finding a UROPsection of the UROP website. Specific guidelines and application deadlines for Wellesley students are provided in theWellesley College studentsection. Current research opportunities are posted on theUROP opportunities board. Career Education at Wellesley may have information as well.

每年秋季和春季学期,学生可以里吉斯ter for no more than 2 separate UROP opportunities for credit, pay or volunteer. Each summer semester, a student may register for no more than 1 UROP opportunity for credit, pay or volunteer. Each winter period a student may register for no more than 1 UROP opportunity for pay or volunteer (UROP for credit is not available during the Winter IAP period).的cross-registration process to be followed is detailed on the Registrar’s website.

Limits on UROP Cross-Registration for First Year students

First-semester first-year students may not cross-register for UROP courses until their second semester at the college.

Additional Resources for Students

Students are encouraged to seek advice from faculty within their major or minor program about how research opportunities at MIT may fit into their major or minor academic program. Class Deans are available to advise students about how cross-registration may fit into their overall academic plans. Students with questions about the UROP cross-registration process should contact the Registrar’s Office.

Summer 2021 UROP

Students wishing to enroll in a summer UROP for credit may do so using the cross-registration system by bringing a completedUROPcross-registration formto both the Wellesley and MIT Registrar’s offices. Students must be cross-registered at MIT byMonday, June 7th, 2021 at 4:30pm EST. Cross-registered students then must complete the UROP online application byThursday, June 24th, 2021 at 5pm EST. For Summer 2021, Wellesley students will not be required to pay the Wellesley Summer Session tuition for a one-unit course.

Registration Procedures

的re is no preregistration for MIT courses. Cross-registration takes place after the start of the semester. Note that the MIT academic calendar is not the same as the Wellesley calendar – choose carefully. Also note that MIT does not offer self-scheduled finals. The final exam schedule is issued at the end of the third week of term. The MIT exam period does not typically coincide with the Wellesley exam period.

Students should register for a full schedule of Wellesley courses until they are certain of enrolling in MIT courses.

的MIT subject listing, schedule, and academic calendar may be found at theMIT Registrar's Office website.

  • Complete an MIT cross-registration form and print out the completed form
  • Contact the MIT faculty member via email to obtain permission to attend the course. NOTE: If registering for Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra, visit the Undergraduate Math Office (2-108) to sign up for a recitation.
  • Make of PDF copy of your signed MIT cross-registration form.
  • Email a copy of the completed MIT cross registration form in pdf form and the email from the faculty member granting permission to attend the course to both the MIT Registrar’s Office ( and the Wellesley College Registrar’s Office (注册

Students will also need to fill out a Transfer of Credit Form for any course they would like to use towards a Major, Minor or distribution requirement (including 300 level credit). The form can be accessed viaMyWellesley>> Administrivia >>Transfer of Credit Requests & Approval

Wellesley students may register for graduate level subjects at MIT provided they meet the prerequisites. In graduate subjects, especially at the Sloan School of Management, priority is given to MIT graduate students.

的deadline to submit MIT paperwork to the Wellesley Registrar's Officeis the same as the add deadline for all Wellesley courses. Please refer to the注册istration dates在我们的网站上。

Dropping, Withdrawing, Taking a course Credit/Non

Wellesley students who cross-register at MIT are responsible for maintaining parallel registration at both Wellesley and MIT for all MIT courses. This requires officially registering at both institutions and making any registration changes at both institutions.

Students are required to meet the published Wellesley deadlines for dropping and withdrawing from courses. Sth can drop MIT courses from their Wellesley registration using Workday. Students can drop MIT courses with the MIT Registrar by Students must drop the course on both campuses.

Students may withdraw from Wellesley courses by emailing the Wellesley College Registrar’s Office. Students must contact the MIT Registrar's office ( for information about late drops at MIT.

Students may declare an MIT course to be taken on a credit/non basis, using Workday, and must do so by the Wellesley deadline. Please refer to the注册istration dates在我们的网站上。

Units of Credit

的MIT subject listing and schedule gives the time distribution of each course as a series of three numbers – e.g. (4 2 6). The first number represents the hours of class per week; the second is the hours per week of laboratory; and the third is the hours per week of preparation. The sum of these three digits is the number of MIT credits given for the course.

的conversion between MIT credits and Wellesley units is as follows:

6 – 8 MIT credits equals 0.5 Wellesley unit

9 – 11 MIT credits equals 0.75 Wellesley unit

12 – 14 MIT credits equals 1.0 Wellesley unit

15 – 17 MIT credits equals 1.25 Wellesley units

18 - 20麻省理工学院学分= 1.5韦尔斯利单位

21 – 23 MIT credits equals 1.75 Wellesley units

24 MIT credits equals 2 Wellesley units

It is also possible to audit or "listen" to an MIT course without receiving credit.

Grades & Transcript

Grades in MIT courses are presented on the Wellesley transcript and used for all calculations for which Wellesley grades are used. MIT does not report plus (+) or (-) grades for transcripts. Wellesley students may designate an MIT course credit/non-credit through the Wellesley system, and must meet the Wellesley deadline.

Students will not receive letter grades for MIT courses which are offered mandatory Pass/Fail.

Using MIT courses to complete Degree and Major requirements

No MIT course automatically fulfills a distribution, 300-level or major requirement for your Wellesley degree. Students must obtain explicit approval via a Transfer of Credit Request Form for any distribution, major or minor credit, even when the course is similar to a Wellesley course. The form is accessible via the MyWellesley Portal > Administrivia.

To apply a course to a major, students should also include it on the Major Declaration/Confirmation Form, also available on the MyWellesley Portal under the Administrivia tab.

MIT Courses in the Final Senior Spring Semester

韦尔斯利的Spring 2022final grading deadline for Seniors isThursday, May 19th, 2022 at 12:00 pm.

Generally, we have received grades from Olin, Babson and Brandeis by the senior grading deadline. We make every effort to collect MIT (and all other cross-registration) grades in time for our commencement processes. However, it is important for you to be aware of the details of these deadlines, since in some cases, we will have to delay releasing your diploma.

Please read the following information carefully as it explains the extended deadlines we allow for Wellesley to accept your final grade for a cross-registered course in your final semester. Note that the grade must be submitted directly to us from the host institution’s Registrar’s Office.

Ceremony Participation:

Note that an outstanding grade for a cross-registered course does not, in itself, impact your ability to participate in the Commencement ceremony. You may participate in Commencement before completing all degree requirements if you are within two units or two requirements of completing the degree, and if your record is otherwise of diploma-grade standing.

Release of Diplomas:

A degree may not be conferred until your record is final and all grades have been recorded (even if the course is elective or not fulfilling any degree requirements). A diploma cannot be released until the degree is conferred and all financial obligations to the college have been met.

Please note the following important grading deadline:

Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 12:00 pm-- if your official grade in a cross-registered course is received by this deadline, your grade will be processed in time for Commencement.

Delayed Receipt of Cross-Registration Final Grades (Received After Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 12:00 pm):

  • If your official MIT grade is received from the MIT Registrar’s Office by Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 9:00 AM we will process it before the graduation ceremony.
  • If your official MIT grade is received from the MIT Registrar’s Office by Friday, June 3, 2022 at 4:00 PM it will be processed and we will mail your diploma to you at that time.
  • If your MIT grade is delayed any later than Friday, June 3, 2022 at 4:00 PM you will not be eligible for a May 2022 diploma. Your record will be reviewed in September and your graduation date will be October 2022. Once your grade is received and your record is certified, we will provide you with a letter that states your degree requirements are complete and your degree will be conferred in October. This letter is helpful for both employment and graduate school admissions purposes.

Course Withdrawal Deadline:

的last day to withdraw from a Spring 2022 course (including cross-registered courses) isFriday, May 6, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Please email the Registrar's Office at注册istrar@wellesley.eduto withdraw from a course. Before withdrawing from a course it is important for you to speak with your Class Dean to verify that it won't affect your graduation plans.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact注册

Physical Education at MIT

Wellesley students may take MIT physical education classes. Schedules for these classes are available in the MIT Physical Education Office (W35-297) on Vassar Street. In order to enroll in MIT PE classes, Wellesley students must purchase an Athletic card. This card gives access to all Athletic facilities for classes and recreational sports throughout the academic year. Interested students should register early. In order to insure transfer of PE credits to Wellesley, students must inform the MIT Physical Education office that they are Wellesley students seeking Physical Education credit.

Computing, Dining, Transportation and Library Access

Athena Accounts

的Athena computing environment is MIT's campus-wide, networked system available to all MIT students, faculty, and staff. An MIT e-mail account (called an Athena account) will allow you to access class websites, participate in MIT’s subject evaluation process, and use WebSIS. To register for an e-mail account, you need a personal account coupon. To obtain your account coupon bring yourMIT ID Cardto the Student Services Center, 11-120, or the Athena User Accounts Office, Building N42, 211 Massachusetts Avenue, near Vassar Street.
Once you have your e-mail account, go to WebSIS and provide your emergency contact information.


To enable students to participate in the Wellesley-MIT Exchange, Wellesley operates free weekday bus service between the two campuses. You must show your Wellesley ID card to board the bus. Guests of Wellesley students who wish to ride the Exchange Bus must present a ticket or token to the bus driver before boarding. Information regardingschedules for the Exchange Busis available at the Information Bureau, Wang Campus Center, athttp://www.housingtransp/transportation/shuttlebusesor by calling the Transportation Hotline, Ext. 2318.


Students formally registered in Fall and Spring semester classes at MIT will have a meal plan preloaded on their MIT ID card which provides a discount for one meal per day Monday through Friday. The meal plan can only be used once per day regardless of how much of the discount is used.

Please visit the following web page for more details:


By showing a Wellesley ID, students may use the MIT libraries. A Wellesley student does not have to be cross-registered to use library facilities. A copy of the "Guide to MIT libraries" is available at any MIT library.