Cross-Registration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Under the terms of our cross-registration agreement, Wellesley students may cross-register, during the fall and spring semesters, for those MIT courses for which they meet prerequisites, including both undergraduate and graduate courses. Courses students take at MIT count toward their Wellesley degrees and the grades from those courses are reported on the transcript, counted in the Wellesley GPA and included in the calculation of Latin Honors. MIT courses do not automatically fulfill Wellesley distribution requirements, count toward Wellesley majors, or receive 300-level credit. Procedures for applying MIT courses to those requirements are described below.
的following restrictions on cross-registration apply:
- Wellesley students may cross-register for one credit bearing cross-registered course per semester, not including UROPs (effective beginning Fall 2020).
- Exception can be made in cases where a course is part of a two-course half-semester pairing, for example 6.0001 & 6.0002
- Students may not receive credit for the same course more than once, even when MIT students are permitted to do so. If a student, with permission of the instructor, does take a course for a second time, the grade for the second iteration of the course will be noted on the transcript, but will not factor into the grade point average, and the notation will indicate that no credit is awarded.
- First-semester first-year students may not cross-register at MIT
- Students cross-registering at MIT during their final semester should be aware that differences in academic calendars may result in delays in receipt of MIT grades that can delay degree processing until October (more info below).
- Effective Fall 2018, Wellesley students will not receive credit for completion of the following MIT courses: 17.S914, 17.922, 17.923, 17.901, 17.902, 17.903 and 17.905
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) at MIT
UROP enables students to join the research efforts of MIT faculty in a number of departments. Students considering a UROP project can learn about finding a UROP position through theTips for Finding a UROPsection of the UROP website. Specific guidelines and application deadlines for Wellesley students are provided in theWellesley College studentsection. Current research opportunities are posted on theUROP opportunities board. Career Education at Wellesley may have information as well.
每年秋季和春季学期,学生可以里吉斯ter for no more than 2 separate UROP opportunities for credit, pay or volunteer. Each summer semester, a student may register for no more than 1 UROP opportunity for credit, pay or volunteer. Each winter period a student may register for no more than 1 UROP opportunity for pay or volunteer (UROP for credit is not available during the Winter IAP period).的cross-registration process to be followed is detailed on the Registrar’s website.
Limits on UROP Cross-Registration for First Year students
First-semester first-year students may not cross-register for UROP courses until their second semester at the college.
Additional Resources for Students
Students are encouraged to seek advice from faculty within their major or minor program about how research opportunities at MIT may fit into their major or minor academic program. Class Deans are available to advise students about how cross-registration may fit into their overall academic plans. Students with questions about the UROP cross-registration process should contact the Registrar’s Office.
Summer 2021 UROP
Students wishing to enroll in a summer UROP for credit may do so using the cross-registration system by bringing a completedUROPcross-registration formto both the Wellesley and MIT Registrar’s offices. Students must be cross-registered at MIT byMonday, June 7th, 2021 at 4:30pm EST. Cross-registered students then must complete the UROP online application byThursday, June 24th, 2021 at 5pm EST. For Summer 2021, Wellesley students will not be required to pay the Wellesley Summer Session tuition for a one-unit course.