Credit/Non-Credit (or Credit/Non) refers to a type of course grading that does not result in a letter grade. Students may elect to have a course graded Credit/Non for several reasons. Some courses (primarily in the writing department) are Mandatory Credit/Non-Credit and students will receive either a CR (credit) or NCR (no credit) as their final grade.
Students may take a courseCredit/Non-Creditfor a variety of reasons. See your class dean to talk more about whetherCredit/Nonmakes sense for you.
If you receive a grade of C or higher in a course that you have electedCredit/Non-Credit, a notation of CR (credit) will appear on your transcript; if you receive a grade lower than a C, then a notation of NCR (no credit) will appear on your transcript.
There is no limit to the number of courses a student can takeCredit/Non-Credit。但是,有一些课程,信用/非不是一个选择;此信息包含在工作日课程描述中的课程描述中。请注意,数量有限Credit/Non-Credit courses a student can take in order to be eligible for Latin Honors. Please refer to theLatin Honors eligibilityrules for more information.
The period during which students may declare that they wish to take a course on aCredit/Non-Creditbasis is the first four weeks of the fall and spring semesters (or the first two days of Wintersession or each Summer Session). Students must use the online registration system to declare that they wish to take a courseCredit/Non-Credit。