Course Schedule GridEffective as of Fall 2019
A standard 2 day/week class can be scheduled either M/Th or Tu/Fr. There is also an option for a M/W pairing in block J (Monday 3:45–5:00 p.m. and Wednesday (3:30–4:45 p.m.).
- Mon, ThurA
- Tue, FriB
- Mon, ThurC
- Tue, FriD
- Mon, ThurE
- Tue, FriF
- Tue, FriG
- Mon, ThurH
- Tue, FriI
- Mon, ThurJ
- Mon, WedJ1
- Mon, Wedeve
- Tue, Thureve
Classes may be scheduled in the evening with meetings either once or twice per week. The standard start time is 6:30 p.m. though departments have flexibility to begin between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
- Mon, Wed, ThurA
- Mon, Wed, ThurA1
- Tue, Wed, FriB
- Tue, Wed, FriB1
- Mon, Wed, ThurC
- Tue, Wed, FriD
- Mon, Wed, ThurE
- Tue, Wed, FriF
- Tue, Wed, FriG
- Mon, Wed, ThurH
- Tue, Wed, FriI
- Tue, Wed, FriI1
- Mon, Wed, ThurJ
- Mon, Wed, ThurJ1
Three-day classes meet either 75 minutes 2x/week with a 50-minute meeting on Wednesday, or 75 minutes 3x/week.
Language classes and others meeting 4-5 times a week
- Mon, Tue, Thur, FriA+B
- Mon, Tue, Thur, FriC+D
- Mon, Tue, Thur, FriE+F
- Mon, Tue, Thur, FriH+J
Labs and studio time
Labs and studio time may be scheduled in either the morning or afternoon. Departments may designate that morning labs and studio blocks may begin at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. each day of the week. Afternoon labs and studio blocks scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday may begin any time between 12:45 and 1:30 p.m.
- Mona+c+e
- Monh+j
- Moneve
- Tueb+d+f
- Tueg+i
- Tueeve
- Wedb+c+d+e
- Wedf+g+h+i
- Wedeve
- Thura+c+e
- Thurh+j
- Thureve
- Frib+d+f
- Frig+i
Seminars are scheduled by combining two consecutive time blocks on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. Wednesday seminar meetings are scheduled by combining three 3 consecutive class blocks.
- Mona+c
- Monc+e
- Monh+j
- Moneve
- Tueb+d
- Tued+f
- Tueg+i
- Tueeve
- Wedb+c+d
- Wedc+d+e
- Wedf+g+h
- Wedg+h+i
- Wedeve
- Thura+c
- Thurc+e
- Thurh+j
- Thureve
- Frib+d
- Frid+f
- Frig+i