Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program (rising seniors & alumnae)
Expected Deadline: Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Optional priority draft deadline: Monday, July 25, 2022-July 25 is theoptionalpriority deadline for Wellesley applicants applying topost graduate fellowships with deadlines between August 20 and December 31: if you submit your drafts throughthis Google formby the July 25 deadline, you are guaranteed feedback before the relevant deadlines, and you'll get priority in the booking of advising appointments.
The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program is an exciting new scholarship and leadership development program which seeks to develop a community of future global leaders to address complex challenges through collaboration and innovation. With applications launched for the very first time in 2017, each year the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program will identify a group of up to 100 high-achieving students from around the world to receive full funding to pursue a graduate or professional degree in any field offered at Stanford. The Knight-Hennessy Scholars is the largest fully endowed scholars program in the world, and is open to citizens of any country.
For full details and application, please refer to theofficial website( Although there is no campus application process for the Knight-Hennessy, any prospective Wellesley applicant is warmly encouraged to reach out to the Fellowships team at Wellesley for application advice, feedback on drafts, interview prep, etc.
Who is eligible?
- competition is open to citizens of any nation. (Undocumented students are eligible to apply for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, but must meet eligibility for their Stanford graduate program, including any work requirements. For more information, please see the officialKnight HennessyandStanfordwebsites.)
- Applicants may be graduating seniors or graduates who have received their bachelor’s degrees within the last six years (in 2022, those who received their bachelor’s degrees in January 2016 or later, without an age restriction).
- All applicants must be good candidates for the degree program of their choice at Stanford.
- See theKnight-Hennessy website for full eligibility detailsand forselection criteria.
Where can I learn more?
There is a wealth of helpful information provided on theofficial website.
Any prospective Wellesley applicants are warmly encouraged to refer questions tofellowships@wellesley.eduand to book a Fellowships advising appointment viaHandshake, for application advice, feedback on essays, interview preparation, and more.
TIP: Applicants are urged to seek advice during the spring and summer, before the August rush and before classes begin in the fall! Advising is offered via video chat and phone, all summer long, as well as during the academic year and in person.
How do I apply?
Applications for the Knight-Hennessy should be submitted directly via the official website and all applicants must in addition apply for the graduate or professional degree of their choice at Stanford by the appropriate deadline to be eligible for the Knight-Hennessy; seeofficial websitefor details.
Application timeline
Spring and summer
- Learn about the Scholarship, attend an information session on campus or sign up for an official webinar (seeofficial websitefor dates)
- Start to plan for your application, including talking with people you might ask to write letters of reference.
- Ask for letters of reference EARLY: it’s a great idea to ask for letters by early August... This is much easier to do if you’ve sought advice from potential recommenders during the spring semester. Folks travel over the summer, whether for work or vacation, and may be hard to reach, so don’t wait to reach out!
July 25- optional draft deadline
- If you’d like feedback in advance of the official deadline, submit drafts of materials throughthis Google formno later than this date (earlier and additional drafts are strongly encouraged).
- Then book a Fellowship draft review appointment viaHandshake. (Cannot find an available appointment? Drop in to Fellowships Pop-Up Advising: no appointment required! See ourEvents listingsfor details of in-person and virtual pop-ups.)
- 错过了草案的最后期限?我们很乐意配合你if possible, once those who met the draft deadline have been accommodated.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022—Expectedofficial application deadline
- Please seeofficial websitefor details and checklist of materials required for the official application, as well as detaileddates and deadlines.
- Remember also to apply for the degree program of your choice at Stanford by the appropriate deadline to be eligible for the Knight-Hennessy; see theofficial sitefor more details.
Finalists are due to be invited tointerviews/immersion weekend.
Finalists attendimmersion weekendat Stanford, and interview for the program (travel expenses covered by Knight-Hennessy). All finalists should hear results shortly thereafter.
Emailfellowships@wellesley.eduor call Caitlin Roberts-Donovan at 781.283.2347.