
Image courtesy of Meredith Fluke, Ph.D, Kemper Curator of Academic Programs, Davis Museum

Employer-Sponsored Internships


Wellesley Career Education collaborates with various academic departments and other employer-sponsored programs to offer internship placements and programs for Wellesley students. By partnering on these opportunities, it is our hope that all Wellesley students will have access to at least one college-sponsored internship before graduating.

To learn more about specific internship opportunities across campus, please click on each department link below.


Eligibility & Application|夏季的路径和强度rnship Credit

Spring Deadlines|Fall Deadlines

Mailing List

For email reminders and application tips throughout this application period, please sign up for our实习邮件列表.

Application Preliminary Reviews

寻找申请反馈?与一名职业教育工作人员一起注册30分钟的初步申请审查February 18 or February 23, 2022.先到先得所以早点报名吧Handshake! (Select "Application Preliminary Review" under the "Wellesley Sponsored Internships and Grants" category once you sign in.)

When to Apply

February 1 - March 1 (11:30 pm EST)11月3日更新:一些申请现在已经延长了截止日期。March 17(11:30 pm EST) for Italian (Peggy Guggenheim only), Religion (Severinghaus only), Spanish, and four Signature internship placements.4月4日(11:30 pm EST) for Peace and Justice (Gladstone only).April 15(美国东部时间晚上11:30)参加艺术系斯莱德奖学金。

October 1- November 1 (11:30 pm EST)

Julia Simon ’19, 2019 Spanish Department intern

Eligibility & Application

Eligibility, program structure/award amounts, and application requirements vary by opportunity, so please review the application information carefully. Most opportunities (except Libera in the Italian Department and Slade in Art Department) require students to work a minimum 300 hours over 8-10 weeks. All eligible students must be enrolled at the College in Spring 2022 or in a study abroad program (one semester or full-year).Students on leave for the spring semester are ineligible.

Please note that some departments offer more than one opportunity (e.g., Davis Museum, English, Italian, Jewish Studies, Peace & Justice). You can apply for multiple opportunities—within and across departments—at the same time but you may be asked to submit separate distinct applications in Workday (e.g., Signature Internships) or multiple cover letters, essays, or Statements of Intent (e.g., English, Peace and Justice, Italian, Davis Museum), so please follow the instructions carefully.If awarded multiple College-funded summer internships, you will need to select only one opportunity.

你可以登录“我的韦尔斯利”门户申请所有实习机会在这里and selecting “Workday” and “Find a Summer Internship.” Use theseWorkday application instructionsto guide you. Please note that applications will only be visible in Workday during the two application cycles.

尽管每个机会所需的申请材料各不相同列表, all application materials must be submitted as a PDF and named according to this format:你的姓名(例如TrinHan_求职信;SallyBaez_简历)。

夏季的路径和强度rnship Credit

If selected for one of these College-funded opportunities, you will also be eligible to receive non-academic internship credit on your transcript. You must also complete Hive Pathway exercises throughout the summer (e.g., Goal setting, Pre-internship Paperwork, Reflections). You’ll receive more Pathway information from Career Education in May.

Internships with Spring Deadlines

Applications open in Workday
February 1 – March 1, 2022 (11:30 pm EST)

11月3日更新:一些申请现在已经延长了截止日期。March 17(11:30 pm EST) for Italian (Peggy Guggenheim only), Religion (Severinghaus only), Spanish, and four Signature internship placements.4月4日(11:30 pm EST) for Peace and Justice (Gladstone only).April 15(美国东部时间晚上11:30)参加艺术系斯莱德奖学金。

*点击在这里查看下面列出的SPRING Opportunity汇总表。

Internships with Fall Deadlines

Applications open in Workday
October 1– November 1, 2022 (11:30 pm EST)


Please direct any questions to the contact listed on the department application pages below or emailinternships@wellesley.edu.