MIT has a very distinguished graduate program in political science and offers some excellent undergraduate courses, most of which can count toward the major at Wellesley. Some MIT courses listed under political science are taught by an instructor who is not a member of that department. Such courses normally cannot be counted toward the political science major at Wellesley.Note: All approved MIT courses transfer to Wellesley at the 200-level.
Spring 2022 courses offered by the MIT Political Science Department can be foundhere. The courses that would count towards IRPS begin with 17.4.
If you have questions about a particular MIT course, please consult with our transfer credit advisor, Prof. Nancy Scherer.
MIT UROP Cross Registration
(Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program)
Spring 2022 Deadline to apply: Monday, January 3, 2022, at 5pm ET
Application for Wellesley Studentshere
UROP enables students to join the research efforts of MIT faculty in a number of departments. Students considering a UROP project should visit their website for guidelines and application deadlines specific to Wellesley students Current research opportunities are posted on the UROP opportunities board. Career Education at Wellesley may have information as well.
Each fall and spring semester, a student may register for no more than 2 separate UROP opportunities for credit, pay or volunteer. Each summer semester, a student may register for no more than 1 UROP opportunity for credit, pay or volunteer. Each winter period a student may register for no more than 1 UROP opportunity for pay or volunteer (UROP for credit is not available during the Winter IAP period).The cross-registration process to be followed is detailed on the Registrar’s website.
(1) cross-register for UROP with the MIT Registrar’s office and
(2) submit a UROP application via UROP’s online application system.
These steps must be followed every academic term (Fall, Spring and/or Summer) for you to participate in UROP at MIT, even if you are continuing from a previous term.
Courses in Political Science at MIT can count towards the Political Science major at Wellesley if the student writes a substantive research paper as part of her UROP work and that paper is evaluated by the UROP supervisor as part of the final grade. The supervisor must inform the Political Science Transfer Credit Advisor (Prof. Nancy Scherer) at Wellesley by email that the paper has been evaluated.