Political Science

Department of Political Science
Politics is about power...
and Political Science is the academic study of politics.

Political Science analyzes how power is defined, who does or should have power in society, how those with power use or ought to use it, how those with less power challenge the more powerful, and the effect of power on people's lives.

word cloud

Political science courses explore a wide range of questions regarding the concepts and norms central to the study of power and politics

authority, domination, gender, freedom

The structure and operations of political institutions and processes

governments, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, elections

The complex factors involved in political and economic development; social movements and processes

women's movements, immigration, revolution

The comparative political system

democracy, authoritarianism

The political trends and transformations in various regions

East Asia, South Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa

The analyses of current affairs in the many realms and contexts in which politics take place.