Other Resources

Internal Resources

General Information about the College:


Annual Events

Annual Reports

Board of Trustees

College Buildings

College History

Institutional Data for Proposal Development

Office of the Provost–Whom to Contact

Organizational Chart(as of 08/04/2020)

Presidents of the College

Strategic Planning

Wellesley College Catalogs(archives)

Wellesley Policies

External Resources

Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE):A consortium of 35 private colleges and universities that share data. Thewebsitelists member institutions and gives access to reports to its members only.

Integrated Posteducation Data Sharing System (IPEDS):Data from federally mandated surveys on institutional characteristics, enrollments, finances, staff, tuition and fees, and financial aid for all postsecondary institutions receiving federal funding.IPEDSis the core data collection program for NCES. To download IPEDS longitundinal data in a quick and easy way, visit theIPEDS data compiler app.

New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE):NECHE is the accrediting agency for Wellesley College and other New England colleges and universities. Thewebsiteaccr提供信息editation purpose and process.