从左到右的2020年和2021年Pinanski教学奖获得者:Angela Bahns,Amy Banzaert,Daniela Rivera,Rebecca Belisle,Selwyn R. Cudjoe,Alice Friedman。



Anna and Samuel Pinanski Teaching Prize每年被授予纪念Wellesley College教师的成员,他们已经表现为卓越的教师。亚博永久官网奖项识别出特别成功的特定强度,方法或技术。提名由大学社区提交,总统在与季番逊奖委员会协商时进行最终选择。

今年6月4日在Wellesley的混合动力开始练习期间举办了六名奖项.2020收件人 -Angela Bahns.,心理学副教授,Amy Banzaert,工程和工程研究总监的讲师,Daniela Rivera, Barbara Morris Caspersen Associate Professor of Humanities and associate professor of art,who were recognized virtually last year-Joined 2021收件人:Selwyn R. Cudjoe.是非洲研究教授,爱丽丝弗里德曼,Grace Slack McNeil美国艺术教授和艺术教授,和Rebecca Belisle,物理助理教授。以下是2021年奖励引用的摘录。

Selwyn R. Cudjoe.,非洲研究教授


“I remember taking a seminar with Professor Cudjoe my junior year and thinking to myself, ‘This is the epitome of a liberal arts education,’” says one student. “In Professor Cudjoe’s class,” says another, “students are always in conversation with him, with each other, with the authors and texts we are studying, and with the world at large.”

Professor Cudjoe seeks to empower his students and create a space of belonging in which they can grow as people and scholars. “Professor Cudjoe’s Black Women Writers class changed my life,” says one student. “It gave me the opportunity to explore my own identity as a Black queer woman by reading about the Black women who have come before me.”


“Cudjoe教授在文献中编写了变革和现场改变文本,”另一个人说。“但同样重要的是,他是他学生的冠军。年复一年,Alumnae返回看到他们心爱的教授。我在ethos 50周年纪念日中看到了这首第一手,他的存在带来了过去的学生嘲笑他对他们职业生命的轨迹的影响。“

For his tireless dedication to the Wellesley community, for showing students the interdependence of academic disciplines and the elements of lived experience that help shape our world, and for awakening in students an abiding love for Africana studies, it is an honor to present Selwyn Cudjoe with the Anna and Samuel Pinanski Teaching Prize.

爱丽丝弗里德曼, Grace Slack McNeil Professor of American Art and professor of art

学生将Alice Friedman教授描述为“一生终身教授”。40多年来,她一直在艺术部和建筑计划中的着名存在,塑造了Wellesley学生的教育和生活,通过该工作,建筑的实践和建筑史研究。

“Whenever I am asked by an underclass student, ‘Who do I have to take a class with before I graduate?’ Professor Friedman is the first to come to mind,” says one student.

Professor Friedman teaches not only the findings of her own groundbreaking feminist scholarship in architectural history, but the modes and methods of critical inquiry that guide her research. “Professor Friedman’s approach embodies the ideal of integrating teaching and research [that’s] at the heart of a liberal arts education,” says one colleague. “She pushes her students to think better, see better, describe better, and to challenge themselves and one another, especially about how gender and sexuality have shaped the history of architecture, and about who has been left out of that history.”



Rebecca Belisle, assistant professor of physics

kn教授Rebeca Belisle是一个启发的老师own for her energy and empathy, and for her ability to explain complex scientific topics. “Professor Belisle is the kind of professor that I had hoped to encounter when I decided to study at a liberal arts college,” says one student. “She is an invaluable mentor,” says another.

Students praise her for incorporating a wide variety of materials in her teaching, including videos and websites she designs herself. “Professor Belisle’s enthusiasm and love for physics put me at ease as a non-physics major, while her clear lecturing, creative use of visuals, and innovative analogies helped me to understand content that had previously eluded me,” says one student. She also asks her students to help establish expectations for each course. “The first day of class, we volunteered our thoughts and wrote on the whiteboard how we wanted our classroom environment to be for the next seven weeks,” one student says. “Highlights included: ‘No question is too small,’ ‘Assume the best in people,’ and ‘We are here to support each other.’”


For cultivating an inclusive environment in the classroom and the lab, for making every effort to help her students succeed, and for her emphasis on learning as a process and practice, it is an honor to present Rebecca Belisle with the Anna and Samuel Pinanski Teaching Prize.