AJ Odasso '05,老师和诗人,曾在第一部小说中踏上了新的方向。追求和追求拾取在哪里The Great Gatsbyleaves off, but with a second chance for Nick and Gatsby as a couple.
你的体验是什么?The Great Gatsby首次?你有没有想到你会写自己的分档?
我在第九年级英语课中首次阅读它。尼克马上抓住了我。我想我有点认可了一种亲切的精神。我总是那个正在看其他人的人。而且我觉得我最终被扫过了到目前为止的情况。我觉得我觉得旁边的叙述者与尼克一样,所以他的损失,因为盖茨比死了,对我来说是如此明显。我喜欢尼克很多,我可以告诉他正在努力爱盖茨比,而且它只是受伤。结束伤害。现在的情况是我觉得,在很大程度上由于这本书的奇怪读物,年轻人再次与它连接,这真是令人兴奋。我一直很喜欢修复故事。 So maybe the second time I read it in school, I had an inkling that maybe one day I would try to do something with it, that I would try to fix that ending. And that did come true eventually.
It’s a great time to write a story with a happy ending.
When we study this book in school, from our teenage years, we’re taught that this story of downfall and ruin is what makes this book great, and it wouldn’t be what it is without the way it spins out and ends, right? But people are actually so starved just for once to see something they love be transformed into a happy story. And especially the queer community. We need happy endings more than ever. Especially for trans and intersex people as well—that is a part of myself and my life experience that I was able to work in.
What advice would you give to others who might be looking to disrupt the cis, straight, white, male literary canon?
Ramsdell,学生助理Wellesleymagazine, is an English and creative writing major, and a photographer.
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