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Web Exclusive

This year’s recipients of Wellesley’s highest honor are Adelaide Hines Sanford, M.A. ’50, Robin Chase ’80, and Farhana Khera ’91.More
Hannah Reese ’02
Hannah Reese’s work is changing the way that clinicians treat people with anxiety and tic disorders. A clinical scientist, researcher, and an assistant professor of psychology at Bowdoin, Hannah has been pioneering a new mindfulness-based treatment for those with Tourette’s syndrome.More
Photo of Galen Stone Tower
I stalled by searching for the words on my phone. Having sung in the choir for four years, I know the tune by heart, but only remembered the first two lines of words. I started to sing, “To alma mater, Wellesley’s…” but choked up on the next word.More
Portrait of Elyse Cherry ’75
Elyse Cherry ’75 is the chief executive officer at Boston Community Capital, a nonprofit community-development institution that has invested more than $1 billion in underserved communities.More
Portrait of Kwan Kew Lai ’74
Kwan Kew Lai ’74 mentored and trained HIV/AIDS clinicians in Vietnam, Malawi, and Uganda, and provided relief services after the earthquake and during the cholera outbreak in Haiti, among many other projects.More
Portrait of Lorraine O'Grady ’55
The work of artist Lorraine O’Grady ’55 is reaching a new generation of curators and artists who prize her fierce independence, penetrating intellect, and willingness to take on the art establishment.More
Cassini and Wellesley's Accidental Space Explorers
During the Cassini mission, Wellesley students from majors far and wide joined forces with Professor Richard French to calculate trajectories and crunch data, leaving their mark on a NASA mission that, for some, permanently imprinted itself on their own lives.More
Suddenly Shaken by Joy
Two days before graduation, Associate Professor of American Studies Michael Jeffries offered the class of ’16 some thoughts as they were officially inducted into the Alumnae Association.More
Face-to-Face: Conversations Across the Decades
This year, can we put down our devices and speak more frequently face to face? Can we commit to deeper conversations, enduring friendships, and shared, honest emotions?More