书标:艺术家的卡目录by barbara page '66让我进入夜读。我没想到,当我第一次选择它时,认为这是一本简单的艺术书。但在页面的艺术品中穿过卷是六篇论文中的六篇论文中文与她的生活不同的部分。这件艺术画了我书签; Page’s autobiographical writing hooked me.
我仍然感到兴奋partic思考ular conceit of this book. It’s based on a project of Page’s for which she creates pictograms on 3-by-5-inch library checkout cards, based on books she has read. The collection, ordered according to when Page read each book and housed in a classic library file case, contains almost 700 cards now, and about half of them are reproduced in书签. The cards are marked by Page and serve as markers in her reading life and “mind library,” adding layers of meaning to the word “bookmarks.”
Page writes, “By interweaving the artworks with events from my life, I hope to underscore the interplay between our experiences and our reading, and how memory shapes or reshapes each, reflecting both our lived and imagined lives.” The book also includes photographs of Page’s other artwork mentioned in her essays and some family snapshots, such as a touching picture of the artist as a toddler with her father practicing handstands on the grass outside their house.
除了阅读之外的主要主题书签is family. The images of cards throughout the book are organized to pair with the essays, and a wave of picture-book cards appear after the essay in which Page writes about becoming a mother. She is stunningly honest in recounting her life, including the intense mental-health struggles of more than one family member that have colored it.
书签关于记忆和老化和家庭。这是阅读和公共图书馆的情书。它不仅庆祝了故事,而是物理书 - 甚至是特定版本 - 它对生命的影响。多年来,我的书架上的一个心爱的卷。
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