On-Campus Employment

On-Campus Employment

Current Wellesley students in F-1 and J-1 status who are maintaining valid status may be eligible foron-campus employment.On-campus employment is limited to less than 20 hours/week while school is in session and can be full-time during official college breaks.

All international students who are employed in the U.S. will be subject to state and federal taxes. Please see the section onTaxesfor more information.

Please note that guidelines have changed due to COVID-19, we recommend to review the on-campus employment instructions below for updated guidance. Please contact the Slater International Center, if you have any questionsslatercenter@wellesley.edu.


1. Find an On-Campus Job
  • Log on toWorkdaywith your Wellesley credentials
  • Click the Career Worklet on the Homepage
  • Click “Find Jobs for Students
  • The list of on-campus jobs is displayed from newest post-date to oldest post-date. Using the search bar under “Find Jobs for Students” you can search for keywords or a specific position.
  • On the left hand side of the screen you can also search by Hiring Manager or Organization.

In addition, many students find jobs through contacts with faculty members, administrators, other students, Dining Services, or the Campus Bookstore.

If you haveany questionsabout this step please contactHuman Resources在781-283-2211,或studentemployment@wellesley.edu.

2. Get a Social Security Number

If you already have a social security number skip this step and go to step 3.

If you do not have a social security number, complete anOn-Campus Employment Form.

  • Section I of this form must be completed by you.
  • Section II of this Form must be completed by your prospective supervisor. An electronic signature is acceptable.
  • Section III of this Form must be completed by your International Student & Scholar Advisor (ISSA). An electronic signature is acceptable. Upload the on-campus employment form to ourdocumentuploadportal.We will review, sign the form, and return back to you.
  • The entire form must be completed and signed BEFORE you begin your employment.

Instructions onHow to Obtain a Social Security NumberandSocial Security Number Applicationare available.It is strongly recommended that you apply for a social security number before your begin your employment. Once you have a social security number, you will have it for life, and you will not have to repeat this process for new employment.

After you have applied for a social security number, please contact Student Employment atstudentemployment@wellesley.eduorgm108@wellesley.eduto complete your onboarding.

Important instructions once the On-campus employment form is completed:Please note that these instructions are subject to change, due to theSocial Security Administration (SSA) recent changes in COVID-19 protocol and procedure with SSA in-person appointments.

We recommend the SSA Office in Framingham, as it is the nearest location to campus.

  1. 要求学生复印下ing documents:On-Campus Employment Form,Social Security Number application, copy of most recent I-94, copy of visa, copy of passport, copy of I-20.Do not mailthe original documents, as students will need these original documents with them for the in-person appointment. You can make copies in Clapp Library. If you need assistance, please contact a librarian to help you.
  2. Students must mail these documents to the SSA Office. You can purchase stamps and envelopes from the Mail Services window in Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. The Framingham SSA Office mailing address is:
    Social Security Office
    1st Left Off Suite #101
    1 Clarks Hill
    Framingham, MA 01702
  3. After the documents are received and approved, the SSA Office will contact the student directly to set up an in-person appointment.
  4. Once the appointment is confirmed, students must then go to the SSA Office with the original documents and apply for the SSN number.
  5. Although the SSA office is currently closed for walk-in appointments, there is an official that will retrieve the documents. The student will need to wait outside and then the documents will be returned to them.

If you have any questions about this step please contact Slater at 781-283-2082, orslatercenter@wellesley.edu.

3. Complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and the Direct Deposit Form

Complete the Federal Withholding Elections, Payment Elections, and Form I-9 in Workday. If you need assistance, please contactHuman Resources. Their office is located on the 1st Floor in Green Hall. The office is currently remote with staff available Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.Please follow their guide.

Please be sure to have the following with as you complete the paperwork:

  • Proof of identity and citizenship (i.e. Passport, Form I-20/Form DS-2019, andForm I-94.)
  • Your social security number.
    • If you do not have a social security number, you can fill in as much information as possible. You will then have30 daysfrom the date on your Form I-9 to report back to Human Resources with your social security number.
  • Verification of your U.S. bank account and routing number (for direct deposit) Your Payment Election (Direct Deposit) information will be entered in Workday.

After you have applied for a social security number, please contact Student Employmentatstudentemployment@wellesley.eduorgm108@wellesley.eduto complete your onboarding.

If you have any questions about this step please contact Human Resources at 781-283-2211, orstudentemployment@wellesley.edu.

4. Complete the Online Tax Information Questionnaire
  • Check your email for an email from the Controllers Office with the subject line, "Working and Receiving Aid"
    • If you cannot find this email, email Kara Geraci (kgeraci@wellesley.edu) to request a FINIS On-Line Tax Questionnaire
  • Complete and submit the FNIS On-Line Tax Questionnaire
  • Schedule a meeting with Dorothy Koulalis (dkoulali@wellesley.edu), in the Controller’s Office to review and verify your tax information
  • Understand that you will be taxed on your income and that you will need to file the appropriate tax documents.

If you have questions about this step contact Kara Geraci,Controller’s Office atkgeraci@wellesley.edu.

5. Upload your SSN to Workday

Once you have received your Social Security card, upload your Social Security Number toWorkdayusingthese instructions.Keep your SSN card safe, it is an official U.S. document and the number is yours for life.

If you have any questions about this step please contact Human Resources at 781-283-2211, orstudentemployment@wellesley.edu.