Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Below are some commonly asked questions and helpful information to help guide you through your last semester at Wellesley including important events, deadlines, and important immigration considerations.
Wellesley will celebrate the Class of 2022 on Friday, May 27th, 2022 (Commencement Day) at 10:30am (EDT).
If you are interested in working in the U.S., within your field of study and after completing your academic program, you will need to apply for employment authorization.
例外: You may be able to continue working, if you have been authorized for OPT depending on your major and your authorized employment start date on your Employment Authorization Document(EAD). Please speak with the International Student Advisor if you have any questions.
Wellesley College requires all graduating students to vacate their residence halls on Friday, June 5th, 2021
If you do not apply for OPT, you have a 60-day grace period after your completion of studies date to remain in the U.S. If you do not apply for OPT, you may remain in the United States up to 60 days after your completion date during the grace period to “prepare for departure”, to change to another visa status, or to transfer to another U.S. school. Students are not permitted to travel outside the United States and return in F-1 status during the grace period. Students are not permitted to work or study during the grace period.
If you have been admitted to a new school in the U.S., you must contact your International Student & Scholar Adviser to coordinate thetransfer of your SEVIS record. This request should be made before the end of the 60-day grace period.
作为毕业方法,您可能希望邀请父母与您庆祝开始。请参考我们的讲义,Inviting Family Members to Visit the U.S.in order to assist with the visa process.
我们强烈鼓励学生to create a LinkedIn profile and join both theWellesley Linkedin Alumnae集团和Slater International LinkedIn group. These groups will facilitate networking opportunities and allow for direct communication with alums. For more information and tips/training around LinkedIn, please visit theCareer Education websitewhere you will find information regarding LinkedIn best practices and a number of valuable handouts.