Wellesley College Notice of Nondiscrimination
Commitment to Nondiscrimination
Wellesley College is committed to providing equal opportunity in employment and education to all employees, students, and applicants. No employee or student shall be discriminated against or harassed on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, ethnic or national origin or ancestry, veteran status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, membership in Uniformed Services, or any category protected by applicable state and federal laws. The same principles apply to admissions policies and practices concerning women applicants. Similarly, Wellesley College is committed to making its programs and campus accessible and compliant with all applicable nondiscrimination laws.
Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination that is illegal under federal laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Massachusetts General Laws. To review the definitions of unlawful discrimination and harassment (including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct), see thePolicy Against Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliationor theSexual Misconduct Policy.
报复任何个人的有限公司mplaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice, or for assisting in the investigation of such a complaint, is illegal and will not be tolerated. Any acts of retaliation will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action and sanctions (as noted below).The College will investigate complaints of conduct prohibited under this Notice. Persons who engage in conduct prohibited under this Notice will be subject to disciplinary actions and sanctions. Disciplinary actions and sanctions will vary, depending upon the facts, and may include (but are not limited to) reprimand, change in work assignment, loss of privileges, mandatory training, removal from classes, programs, activities and/or campus, suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, and/or termination of the contractual or other relationship with the College.
Who to Contact with Questions and Where to File a Complaint
Wellesley students, employees, faculty, and visitors may contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator to address questions about this Notice or to file a complaint of conduct that is prohibited under this Notice.
In addition, any Wellesley student who has a question about this Notice or about filing a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice may contact the College’s Dean of Students Office. Any employee or visitor of the College who has a question about this Notice or about filing a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice may contact the College’s Human Resources Office. Any faculty member of the College who has a question about this Notice or about filing a complaint of conduct prohibited under this Notice may contact the College’s Office of the Provost. Individuals may also seek assistance from the College’s Campus Police Department, and/or the local police, in regard to reporting criminal complaints of sexual misconduct (or other criminal conduct).
Additionally, individuals may contact the College’s Accessibility and Disability Resources with questions about the College’s process for requesting reasonable accommodations for qualified employees, candidates for employment, students, or applicants for admission to the College who are disabled.
The contact information for the individuals mentioned in the above paragraph appears at the end of this Notice.
The College will investigate complaints of violations of conduct prohibited under this Notice that are brought by or against an employee (including faculty) or student. To review the College’s comprehensive policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment and procedures for filing a complaint against an employee, see thePolicy Against Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. To review the College’s procedures for reporting sexual misconduct, see theSexual Misconduct Policy.
The College, through its Campus Police Department, will assist with and/or conduct investigations of conduct that necessitates its involvement due to allegations of certain criminal conduct.
The College, in its discretion and judgment, may determine that allegations of sexual misconduct (or of other conduct prohibited under this Notice) against a person who is not a member of the College community may be investigated and resolved outside of the procedures described in the website links to this Notice, and may take interim actions as it deems appropriate to address the safety and protection of the College and community. In such circumstances that the College acts outside of its procedures, the College’s actions will be in accord with all relevant laws.
How to Contact Wellesley College’s Title IX Coordinator and Other Persons Referenced in this Notice
Title IX Coordinator
DaQuana (Dee) Carter, Title IX Coordinator, Schneider 214,titleix@wellesley.edu781-283-2451
Human Resources Office
Carolyn Slaboden, AVP for Human Resources & EO, Green Hall,cslabode@wellesley.edu781-283-2216
Office of the Provost
Andrew Shennan, Provost, Green Hall,ashennan@wellesley.edu781-283-3583
Dean of Students Office
Carol Bate, Interim Dean of Students, Green Hall,cbate@wellesley.edu781-283- 2370
Lori Tenser, Interim Assoc. Dean of Students, Green Hall,ltenser@wellesley.edu781-283-2327
Accessibility and Disability Resources for Students, Employees or Applicants for Employment
Jim Wice, Director of Accessibility and Disability Resources, Clapp Library, Room 316,jwice@wellesley.edu781-283-2434
Campus Police Department
Phil DiBlasi, Interim Director of Public Safety and Chief of Campus Police, Campus Police Headquarters,pdiblas2@wellesley.edu781-283-3883
Local Police
Town of Wellesley Police Department 781-235-1212 or Emergency 911
Outside Government Agencies
In addition to the above, an individual who believes s/he has been subjected to unlawful sexual harassment, unlawful harassment, unlawful discrimination or unlawful retaliation may contact several government agencies to make inquiry and/or file a complaint with the applicable agency. Using the College’s internal complaint process does not prohibit an individual from filing a complaint with government agencies.
United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
约翰·f·肯尼迪政府联邦大楼475 Center Boston, MA 02203 Tel: (800) 669-4000; (617) 565-3200
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
5 Post Office Sq., 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109-3921 Telephone: 617-289-0111
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)
Boston Office: One Ashburton Place Room 601 Boston, MA 02108 Tel: (617) 994-6000
Worcester Office: 484 Main Street, Room 320 Worcester, MA 01608 Tel: (508) 453 9630
Springfield Office: 436 Dwight Street, 2nd Floor Springfield, MA 01103 Tel: (413) 739 2145
New Bedford Office 800 Purchase St., Rm 501 New Bedford, MA 02740 Tel: (508) 990-2390
Updated February 2020