Houghton Chapel和Multifaith Center

Houghton Chapel和Multifaith Center


对于整个大学社区的任何目的不仅可以组建那里,而且房间的规模也会阻止入学人数增加,这是教育和财务原因的可取。学生用新的教堂作为他们的原因。...当学生向受托人提交计划时,威廉S. Houghton的认真留下了深刻的印象,并希望在许多其他地区帮助他们,他悄悄地支持大学。

- 来自Wel亚博永久官网lesley College 1875-1975:一个世纪的女性

1896年,由伊丽莎白小姐G. Houghton和Clement S. Houghton先生在纪念父亲捐赠的新教堂,为新教堂制作了100,000美元的礼物。William S. Houghton Memorial Chapel由Heins和La Marge是纽约神圣大教堂的建筑师,并于1899年6月1日献上的。

自从2019年6月1日奉献以来,历史悠久的霍顿教堂曾担任Wellesley College的社区生活中心。亚博永久官网教堂还为大学仪式和传统提供了批判性场地,参加音乐会,讲座和其他表演。对于近乎整个Wellesley College的历史,Hought亚博永久官网on Chapel为社区提供了一个精神空间,支持和补充追求知识卓越和个人成长。As indicated by the three keys given to each president of Wellesley College as she takes office (to the library, the dormitory, and the Chapel), the Chapel reflects the College’s commitment that the education of the whole person—intellectually, relationally, and spiritually—remains at the core of the mission of the institution.

在2008年春天,装修已经完成了Houghton Chel,包括恢复上部教堂,并在建筑物的第一级创建新的多岩中心。多因素中心是全球学习和发现的全球学习中心;祷告,冥想,学习,崇拜和教育的地方。By adding new sacred spaces to our existing facilities in the Chapel and Hillel Lounge (Billings Hall), the Center provides spaces for regular gathering for all of our religious communities including Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Evangelical), Hindu, Humanist, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Native African, Native American, Quaker, Sikh, and Unitarian Universalist groups. The Center is also home to Wellesley’s nationally recognized programs in Religious and Spiritual Life including Beyond Tolerance, which engages community members in programs on interfaith understanding, dialogue and conflict resolution, and Education as Transformation, which offers opportunities for constructing meaning through spiritual reflection and practice.