Religious Holiday Calendars


The Office of Religious & Spiritual Life has producedthis calendarso that our scheduling of activities can be more sensitive to the religious needs of students, alumnae, faculty, and administrators. While not exhaustive, our list of observances & holidays includes a demarcation of special worship, work, and/or food restrictions, which may affect the ability of members of the community to participate in college events. A notation of a work restriction indicates that the religious obligations of some observant members of this tradition may restrict work for all or part of this day. Our list also includes appropriate holiday greetings for various festivals, as well as a sense of how widely (and stringently) a holiday may be observed, based on campus demographics.

You may refer toour calendarfor details.
Please note that the Muslim calendar is lunar, and therefore dates are flexible and may change depending on the location of the moon. Dates for Muslim holidays are according to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
Please also note that in many traditions, including Baha'i, Judaism, and Islam, holidays begin in the evening.