A New Editor Takes the Helm

A photo portrait of Lisa Scanlon Mogolov '99, the new editor of Wellesley magazine

Photo by Lisa Abitbol

Photo by Lisa Abitbol

After concluding a national search, the Wellesley College Alumnae Association chose a familiar face to become editor of威尔斯leymagazine. On Nov. 15, 2021, Lisa Scanlon Mogolov ’99 assumed her new role after 16 years on the magazine staff. “I am delighted that our colleague Lisa will lead威尔斯leymagazine as the new editor,” said Kathryn Harvey Mackintosh ’03. “Lisa’s strengths as a writer and editor are matched by her depth of understanding of and passion for the College. She has a deep commitment to representing a diversity of campus and alumnae voices and experiences. Her storytelling is compelling, and her ability to work with colleagues, students, writers, volunteers, and alumnae of all ages is skillful.” Welcome to the editor’s chair, Lisa!

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