In that inaugural issue, Josephine H. Batchelder, class of 1896 and chair of the alumnae publishing committee, said that the magazine was founded with the conviction that Wellesley’s alumnae have “opinions to offer both upon local topics and upon issues of wider import” and are doing “interesting and various things in the world of which they will not be unwilling to speak,” and that the campus is “alive” with a community that is solving problems “architectural, social and academic.”
100多年后,韦尔斯利仍在努力解决世界紧迫的问题。去年,该学院从卡内基公司获得了与斯佩尔曼学院(Spelman College)和伦敦国王学院(King's College)全球妇女领导力研究所合作的赠款,以举办一次虚拟峰会,该虚拟峰会着重于大流行对妇女的经济影响,尤其是有色妇女。At the April 1–2 summit led by Olga Shurchkov ’01, associate professor of economics and director of the Knapp Social Science Center, and Layli Maparyan, the executive director of the Wellesley Centers for Women and professor of Africana studies, Wellesley faculty, along with experts and policymakers from around the globe, will convene to develop an agenda for systemic changes required to advance women’s economic equality. Alumnae will be invited; keep an eye out for communications from the College. In the meantime, we asked Shurchkov and four other alumnae with myriad perspectives on gender gaps in the economy to give us their views on this pivotal moment in history (“走向平等经济”)。
同时,在课堂上,渴望将他们对数学的兴趣与对政治和社会正义的热情相结合的学生被韦尔斯利新的数学与民主学院吸引了,并由数学教授Ismarvolić和Stanley Chang共同创立(Stanley Chang(“数学如何拯救民主”)。(在您评论我们的信息图之前:是的,我们知道实际上,Peppermint Stick Pie将在一开始就可以轻松赢得50%以上的选票。)1916年的杂志也以民主进程为特色。在“加利福尼亚妇女对选票中所做的事情”中,韦尔斯利的前教练和社会学家玛丽·罗伯茨·柯立芝(Mary Roberts Coolidge)对加利福尼亚妇女的影响(至少是白人妇女)在1911年获得了投票权。
当然,1916年永远无法运行的一项功能是我们关于两组夫妇的故事(“我们在韦尔斯利见面”)。感谢WCAA董事会成员艾米·黄(Amy Huang)99岁的艾米·黄(Amy Huang)提出了这个故事,并感谢与艾米·梅耶(Amy Mayer)’94谈论他们的经历的所有明矾。作为一个双性恋女人,我经常对我一生中发生的进步感到惊讶,有时对我们必须走多远感到沮丧。我想起了我与韦尔斯利(Wellesley)的LGBTQ+计划和服务协调员AJ Guerrero进行的对话,讨论了许多学生在家中无法开放的性取向和性别身份的学生。这就是为什么像Anna Ferrard-Zeiders ’91一样,我意识到“一个人有责任出去表明这是一件积极的事情。”