College Road

Reports from Around Campus

A photo shows Emma Slibeck ’24, president of NASA and a descendant of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians,  hanging a red dress from a tree on the Academic Quad as part of the REDress installation.

Photo by Shannon O’Brien

Photo by Shannon O’Brien

Red Flags

The work memorializes and draws attention to the more than 1,000 missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada and the United States. Black seeks to “evoke a presence through the marking of absence,” according to a description of her work at the National Museum of the American Indian. Emma Slibeck ’24 (above), president of NASA and a descendant of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, hopes the REDress Project will make the Wellesley community aware of MMIWG2S (which stands for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People). “The REDress Project is a great way to get the conversations going … but on a more elevated level, I hope people feel empowered to involve more Native voices and stories in their own lives and activism,” she says.

Back in the Race

韦尔斯利越野团队胜任NCAA Division III Championships in 2021, for the first time since 2015. Seven Wellesley runners participated in the championships, considered the most significant race of the season. All seven Blue runners earned personal records. Ari Marks ’22 finished second in the 6K race with a time of 20:28. After missing last season because of the pandemic, “It’s really exciting to actually be able to compete again, just to be filled with adrenaline and that excitement of really getting to push yourself to a whole new level,” Marks says.


“Leaders aren’t created out of thin air. They are created out of their environments. They are created with learning, with peer relationships, with all types of mentors.”

By the Numbers /
WALKTOBER Walking Challenge

Total number of participants


Class year of the No. 1 team


Total steps walked by all participants


Equivalent number of miles walked


Members of the winning ’90 green team

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