马萨诸塞州代表。Liz Miranda'02提供她的开始致辞。
这是一个漫长的,艰难的一年,预测呼吁雷暴。但是,在6月4日星期五,天空已经清除了2021年级的570名成员,以庆祝学院的第143届开始。Paula Johnson总裁欢迎来自美国周边的遣散生和超过100名学者的老年人,来自中国,印度,摩洛哥,波多黎各,沙特阿拉伯,韩国和津巴布韦。
For the first time, an acknowledgment that Wellesley is built on the ancestral and unceded lands of Indigenous people was offered, partly in Wampanoag, by Kimimilasha “Kisha” James ’21, an enrolled member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and Oglala Lakota.
Class speaker Lia James ’21 recalled the challenges and gifts of the last four years, offering a Haitian proverb, “Remember the rain that made your corn grow,” to evoke the transformation difficult times can bring. “I am still blown away by the radical acts of courage and advocacy I see spearheaded by members of our class,” she said, urging them to continue to “say what needs to be said. … Be an ally, be an advocate, be a co-conspirator for change.”
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