Library & Technology Services has licensed PGP Desktop for use on all College-owned Windows computers to securely delete or encrypt files on your computer. Please see the different ways you can use PGP Desktop by following the links below.

Sending encrypted files to people without PGP Desktop
PGP Desktop can create self-decrypting files that you can send to people who do not have PGP Desktop installed, but they need to be using a Windows computer to decrypt them. Please follow the directions below, using a computer with PGP Desktop installed on it.
  1. Right-click on the file you wish to encrypt and select PGP Desktop > Create Self-Decrypting Archive...
  2. In the PGP Zip Assistant window, type in a passphrase in both the Passphrase and Confirm windows, until the bar goes from green to red, indicating a more secure passphrase.
    • We suggest using a long phrase that doesn't relate to the data inside the file, instead of a password, for better security.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Choose a save location and click Next. The default location is where the original file is located.
  5. PGP Desktop will create a self-decrypting archive and then quit.
  6. If you look in the folder that you selected, you will now see a new file with the same name as the original file, but with a .exe file extesion, and it will have the following icon:
  7. You can now send the file to someone.
    • DO NOT send the passphrase in the same email as the file or location of the file. This defeats the purpose of securely sending the data to someone. We suggest calling the other person and telling them the passphrase over the phone.
    • Please be aware that Google Mail does not allow sending .exe files , so you will need to change the file extension and have the person you're sending it to change it back, or send it using a different method, such as through DropBox or YouSendIt.
When the person receives the file, they just double-click on it and they will be prompted for the passphrase. Once the passphrase is entered, they will be asked where to save the original file.