The directions below are for printing to wired HP LaserJet printers on campus. This is primarily for faculty and staff department HP printers. To print to department MFDs,click here. To print to Computing Lab printers using PaperCut,click here.
Before adding a new networked printer, find out thequeue name (hostname)of the printer. Themanufacturer和model numbercan also be helpful in case the driver auto-detect doesn't work.
- Thequeue nameis a set of six numbers and letters, starting with the letter P, then the first three letters of your building name, then the floor, and finally a letter (ex: PLIB8Z for a printer on the 8th floor of the Library).
- If you cannot find the queue name, please contact theComputing Help Deskfor assistance.
- 去吧Applemenu and clickSystem Preferences.
- Click onPrinters & Scanners.
- 在左侧的打印机列表下方,单击加号(+)标志以添加新打印机。
- In the new window that appears, clickIPat the top, and fill in the options as indicated below.
- For Address, type the queue name plus (e.g.
- Ignore 'invalid or incomplete address' if it appears below the Address field after you finish typing in the queue name.
- For Protocol, selectHP JetDirect Socketfrom the drop-down list (if this doesn't work, tryLine Printer Daemon - LPD).
- Leave the Queue field blank.
- The Name field should have automatically changed to be the same as the Address field.
- You can leave the Location field blank, or enter text for the location.
- For the Use field, click the drop-down menu and choose自动选择.
- Your macOS will now try to communicate with the printer and determine the correct driver to use. This may take a few seconds.
- ClickAdd.
- 根据添加的打印机,可能会出现可安装的选项窗口。如果您有双工打印机,请检查Duplex Unit. Leave all other fields unchanged and clickContinue.
- In the Print & Fax window, make sure theDefault Printeris correct.
- If you typically print to multiple printers, naming each printer by its default queue name helps in quick identification. If you wish to rename a printer, click on a printer in the printer list and clickOptions & Supplies...In the window that appears, change the name to be something more familiar. Click好的.
- Quit System Preferences when you are done.
- 去吧Applemenu and click onSystem Preferences.
- Click onPrinters & Scanners.
- Change the Default Printer to your desired printer in the dropdown menu.
- The chosen printer should now haveDefaultlisted under it in the printer list.
- Quit System Preferences.
First, check to make sure the printer driver has the duplex unit enabled:
- 去吧Applemenu and click onSystem Preferences.
- Click onPrinters & Scanners.
- Select your printer from the printer list and clickOptions & Supplies...
- In the window that appears, click theDrivertab.
- Check theDuplex Unitcheckbox and click好的.
Next, set duplex printing as the default option:
- SelectFile > Printto print a document.
- In the dialog box that appears, click on theCopies & Pagesmenu and selectLayout.
- Under Two Sided Printing, checkLong Edge Binding要么Short Edge Binding.
- When you are finished selecting your print settings clickPrint.
- Open an application such as Word and go toFile > Print.
- In the window, click onCopies & Pages和a drop-down list will appear. SelectLayout.
- Under Two Sided Printing, checkLong Edge Binding要么Short Edge Binding.
- Click on thePresetspull-down menu and selectSave As. In the window, type a name, such asduplex, to name the settings that you are saving.
- Click好的.