macOS Big Sur (11.0)
Apple released macOS 11 Big Sur on November 12, 2020.
If you use highly specializedacademic softwareor have installed unique personal software, please verify with the vendor that it will be compatible with Catalina before upgrading, or contact LTS for assistance with this.
If you are running macOS 10.13 or older, pleaseupgrade first to Mojave.
Before any upgrade, as always, we strongly recommend that you perform a回来upof all your data.
Known software incompatibility:
- Code 42 requires you to grant access:followthese instructionsto update your privacy settings and ensure files and folders from locations like the Desktop, Contacts, Photos, Documents and Downloads continue to back up.
You may need to upgrade toMicrosoft Office2019 or later.
- You may need to upgradeAdobe Creative Cloud.
Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client (32bit versions).If your AnyConnect is no longer working after updating to macOS Catalina, please uninstall it (drag and drop it from the Applications folder to the Trash) and go here for the latest installer://
SCEP Anti-VirusFollow our instructions toinstall ESET.
Users must also enablethe AnyConnect software extensionin their macOS Preferences Security & Privacy pane.
Banner ERP and NolijWeb. Safari is not compatible with the Java applet required for Banner ERP and NolijWeb.
AstroImageJ 3.2.0 and earlier
ClustalX - 32 bit version
Fetch 5.7.6 and earlier
Mathematica 11.3 and earlier
Max8 and earlier
StarryNight Enthusiast 6 and earlier
Stella 10 and earlier
TurningPoint App 8.3.0
Wireshark 2.4 and earlier
Zotero 5.0.44 and earlier
New with Big Sur:
- Redesigned Dock, Menu Bar, new icons, updated Notification Center and more
- Safari updatesincluding: WebExtensions API support, Safari extensions on the App Store and Privacy updates
- Enhancements to built in macOS apps (Maps, Messages, Mail)
- Improved Privacy:
New privacy information detailed in the Mac App Store will help users understand the privacy practices of apps before downloading them, including the types of data the apps might collect — such as usage, contact information, or location — and whether that data is shared with third parties for tracking.
You may also need to consider the hardware specifications for this OS.
Please contact theLTS Help Deskwith any questions.