Alumnae协会创建了SED Ministrare志愿者奖,以荣誉和庆祝威尔斯利学院的杰出志愿服务。亚博永久官网

Alumnae协会于2014年创建了SED Ministrare志愿者奖,以认识到Wellesley College的专用志愿服务。亚博永久官网这些明矾的杰出努力履行了Alumnae协会来支持机构优先事项的使命通过将校外与大学和彼此联系起来。他们体现了座右铭,“非Ministrari Sed Ministrare。”
Sed Ministrare Alumnae Volunteer Award Candidate Criteria:
The nominee has made significant or innovative contributions and/or shown superior performance and leadership in service to the complementary missions of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association and Wellesley College.
The nominee must be an alum of Wellesley College.
Current members of the WCAA Board of Directors or Trustees of the College along with current employees of the WCAA and the College are excluded from award eligibility.
Nominations for the 2022 award are now open这里.
Please join us in congratulating the 2021 recipients!
Pamela Boulet ’87has been the president of the Wellesley Club of France for the past six years. Before stepping into that role she spent time as both the vice president and membership chair of the club. Pamela has consistently gone above and beyond her role to make alums feel welcome in the France club, whether they are new to the area or are just visiting. In the words of one such alum, “Pamela is gifted in making any Wellesley woman feel at home in Paris”. During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, she led her board in innovative programming, including a virtual party for the newest 2020 alums in France. She has worked in collaboration throughout the pandemic to connect virtually with alums across Europe and beyond and to include them in Wellesley Club of France’s programs.
Denny Donovan ’79is described as “avid supporter of all things Wellesley College” which she truly demonstrated as the co-president and then president of the Baltimore Wellesley Club for five years. In addition to that role, Denny also worked for several years as an alumnae admission representative and hosted the Summer Send-off for admitted local students at her home. Her fellow alums report she is the first person many turn to when they need help with an event because they have “never heard Denny say no to a challenge”, and she also goes above and beyond her role. Some examples she is known for include reaching out to alums who have lost a family member, offering rides to those unable to drive, and simply offering advice and support to her fellow Baltimore club members. Denny is also a class volunteer and currently holds the position of vice president for the Class of 1979.

Anne Kennedy ’66一直是涉及入场,Wellesley基金,班级和俱乐部角色超过40年的志愿者。她一直是总统,编程椅,财务主管,亚美尔招待代表,帕萨迪纳Wellesley俱乐部的书俱乐部主席,同时也为筹款和官员角色志愿者为她的课程。在她的官方职位之外,安妮被许多明矾被描述为普斯达纳俱乐部的令人难以置信的大使,他说她是第一个欢迎他们到该地区的人。当俱乐部需要时,安妮总是被依赖于第一个升级。她还致于WCAA董事会,最近完成了1966年财务主管的课程。另一个帕萨迪纳董事会成员雄辩地说:“如果我们是挂毯,安妮就是把我们全部抱在一起的线程。”

Michele Leonard ’77has a strong commitment to her fellow alums which has manifested in many ways through the years. She has served twice as president of the Class of 1977, previously on her own and currently as co-president, as well as volunteering on the 40th Reunion Committee. From 2014-2018, Michele was the president of the Wellesley Club of Pittsburgh where, according to her fellow alums, she “worked tirelessly for years to grow the club.” She co-founded Wellesley Racial Justice Initiative in 2017, and currently serves as the program’s executive coordinator. WRJI’s reach has grown exponentially during the pandemic, as more alums and alum volunteer leaders have taken part in the group’s virtual programming on race and privilege. Michele was also part of the WCAA’s Inclusion and Diversity Engaging Alumnae (IDEA) work group in 2018 that reported to the WCAA Board of Directors. Michele is lauded by others as having “an enormous generosity of spirit in her years serving the alumnae community.”
SED Ministrare志愿者奖 - 过去的收件人
2020. |
Jane Helmchen '61 Mei-Mei Tuan '88 Francine Miltenberger'78和Mana Uchino'88 |
2019年 |
Erin Corcoran '13 Lauren Young Durbin'99 Julia Griffith '71 |
2018年 |
Teresita Ramos '93 Erika Spitzer '06 Jody Strakosch '79 |
2017年 |
苏珊哈蒙'67 Erin Flannery Keith'05 Lisa Torreano '90 |
2016年 |
Brooke Bryant '03 Sally Katz '78 Pamela McNeil '82 |
2015年 |
Jane Dean '56 Bridget O'Connor Garsh '04 Charlotte Larue Isaacs '68 Margaret Elizabeth Barr Wang '54 |
2014年 |
Whitney Shaffer Ackerman '03 Martha Redon Bewick '62 夏洛特海耶斯'75 Helen Kriz Marshall '77 |