For Juniors

Students presenting at Ruhlman Conference

Navigating Junior Year - Class Deans Resources

There's lots happening in your Junior year! Continue to meet with your Class Dean who will support you in your student success at Wellesley.

Use the PLTC for additional support. They offer assistance with time management, and also offers a variety of tutoring programs including: Cafe's (group tutoring for multiple courses within a discipline), Attached Tutoring (tutor office hours for a specific course and section), Supplemental Instruction (group tutoring for a specific course and section) and Assigned (Individual) tutoring. Motivation Stations will be offered in dorms/remote communities on a weekly basis.Drop-in tutorshold weekly office hours.

Fall Semester Timeline


It's Degree Audit time. Visit your Dean and check in on your progress.

Monday, September 6 (Labor Day):No Classes

Applications for Spring Study Abroad are due by September. Contact theOffice of International Study (OIS)with exact date, and for further questions and guidance.

Be aware of academic deadlines. These can be found on theAcademic Calendar:

  • Deadline to ADD a Fall course
  • Deadline to submit paperwork for a cross-registered fall course
  • Deadline to submit Spring & Summer 2021 incomplete work to instructors


FAFSA applications are open. Get your forms in as early as possible for the best shot at financial aid. Have questions or need assistance?Student Financial Servicescan help.

Some summer internships have October applications deadlines. Now's the time to find the right internship for you!Career Servicescan help with any questions you have.

Monday, October 11: (Indigenous Peoples' Day):NoClasses

Tuesday, October 12: No Classes, Fall Break

Wednesday, October 13: Classes Resume

Be aware of academic deadlines. These can be found on theAcademic Calendar:

    • Deadline to declare a Fall course CREDIT/NON
    • Deadline to DROP a Fall course


    Truman Scholarship applications due early December. You can find it onCareer Education

    了解更多关于2022年春季与上课ic Open Houses

    Register for Spring 2022 classes

    Take time to meet with your Dean and faculty advisor with any question

    Some summer internship applications due. Make sure you are on schedule - check out theCareer Education application page.

    Wednesday, November 24: Thanksgiving break!

    Thanksgiving 2019: Why Thanksgiving Day Is So Late | The Old Farmer's  Almanac

    Monday, November 29: Classes resume

    Be aware of academic deadlines. These can be found on theAcademic Calendar.


        Take time to relax and get some stress relief. If you're not sure where to go, give us a call. We will provide information about events happening across campus.

        Be aware of academic deadlines. These can be found on theAcademic Calendar:

        • Deadline to withdraw from a Fall course
        • Reading period
        • Final Examinations

        Spring Semester Timeline


        Welcome back! The spring terms start in the winter wonderland of Wellesley. Need some winter clothes? Visit the WSAS Clothes Closet.

        Winter doldrums? Come and talk with us. We'd love for you to stop in. There are no drop in hours, but you can always email your class dean for an appointment, or call the main office at 781-283-2325 to set one up.

        Staying over and need to know about housing? ContactRes Life

        TheAlbright Instituteis in session - take time to listen to the incredible speakers

        Please be aware of academicdeadlines, which can be found in theAcademic Calendar:

        • 最后期限提交Ja年末下降不完整的工作nuary
        • Deadline for Fall/Winter make-up final exams


        Be aware of upcoming academic deadlines.View the Academic Calendar

        • Deadline to ADD a Spring course
        • Deadline to DROP a Spring course
        • Deadline to declare Credit/Non grading option

        Interested in alternative break trip?Career Educationcan provide more information.

        Spring Break!


        Learn more about fall courses at the Academic Open Houses. Check in with your Class Dean to ensure that your distribution requirements are being met.

        Register for Fall Classes. Questions? We can help

        Marathon Monday!

        Thinking about asummer termat Wellesley. Lots of information is available.

        Choose your housing for your senior year. Find more information on theFall Housing Room Selection Process

        TheRuhlman Conferenceis held in late April.


        Now is the time for some Post-Baccalaureate planning. Your Class Dean can help

        Be aware of the academic deadlines. You can find them in theAcademic Calendar.

        • Deadline to WITHDRAW from a Spring course
        • Reading period
        • Final papers are due
        • Final examinations

        Senior year is just around the corner!Next year will be very exciting and busy. Take time to look at theSenior information pages!

        Enjoy your summer break, and check in with your Dean when you come back.

        You are not on this journey alone, in life or at Wellesley. Your class dean will be there for you every step of the way to make sure that you have the individual attention & support you need to realize your goals.

        Nayanika Das, Class of 2021