Office of Student Success

large group of students pose holding their Wellesley Plus bags

Office of Student Success

The Office of Student Success (OSS) serves to enhance and expand the support that is available to first-generation, underrepresented and underservedstudents at Wellesley College through acollaborative approach that leverages thestrengths of dedicated campus partners to helpstudents thrive. These partners form the“village” that the students can depend on toprovide:

  • A sense of community and belonging

  • Holistic advising and counseling

  • 阿德莱德大学emic support

  • Mentorship

  • 职业发展

  • Co-curricular activities

The Office of Student Success reports to theAssociate Dean for Inclusion and Engagement in the Office of Intercultural Education, as well as theDean of Academic Affairs.