In order to assist the Dean of Students in coordinating support services for students, particularly students needing attention from multiple offices on campus, Wellesley has established the Dean's Advisory Committee (the DAC). Here is information about who is part of this group, what we do, how we work, and when and how to contact us.
Who We Are:
The DAC currently includes the individuals in the following roles:
- Vice President and Dean of Students (Sheilah Shaw Horton)
- Associate Dean of Students (TBD)
- Associate Dean for Academic Integration & Advising (Lori Tenser)
- Public Safety Lieutenant (Phil DiBlasi)
- Director of the Health Service (Jennifer Schwartz)
- Director of Counseling Services (Robin Cook-Nobles)
- Student Care Coordinator (Sandra Acevdo)
- Associate Director of Residential Life and Housing (Rhonna Bollig)
- Director of Accessibility and Disability Resources (Jim Wice)
What We Do:
The DAC was formed to provide a mechanism for Student Life staff to work together to
- Coordinate care for and decision making around students whose behavior or circumstances may significantly interfere with life in their residences, with their academic work, or with the lives or work of others in the community.
- Provide a forum for open and confidential communication about the circumstances of individual students among Student Life staff responsible for coordinating services to all students.
- Provide a mechanism for collaborative care for students that can take into account the full range of options that may be available.
- Oversee leaves of absence, including considering the need for an involuntary leave from the college for non-academic reasons, monitoring a student’s progress while on such a leave, and processing the student's return to the college.
How We Work:
- The DAC typically meets weekly when classes are in session.
- Members discuss student issues that have come forward from students, faculty, or staff members over the previous week and decide on the best ways to use available campus resources to address those issues.
- We try to be clear with each other about responsibilities for following up with the students or others affected, including the best ways of communicating with others and steps to take over the coming week.
- Each week, we begin by reviewing the work done since the previous meeting to address earlier problems, to assure that we are following through in the most helpful way.
- We also review requests for clearances from some conditional leaves of absence, as those come forward from students.
- 在我们的工作中,重要的是要注意,我们非常重视学生的隐私和保密性,以及我们需要确保学院履行其应对困难人群的责任。尤其是健康、咨询、无障碍和残疾资源服务部门的成员,由于他们负有保护机密信息的高度专业责任,因此在没有学生的适当发布表格的情况下,不得提交有关学生的信息。
对于一般问题的工作DAC, please contact theDean of Student's office. If you have a concern about a student and need guidance, please contact theresidential life officeor theclass deans' office.