Wellesley offers a comprehensive health insurance plan designed to meet the needs of our students.
Currently, students registered for at least 75 percent of full-time credits are required by马萨诸塞州法律to enroll in a school-sponsored health insurance program or an alternate plan with comparable coverage.
确保遵守马萨诸塞州法律,之声sley College students, including Davis Scholars, Post-Baccalaureates, and visiting students, are automatically enrolled in and billed for the Wellesley College Student Health Insurance Plan.
Wellesley Coll亚博永久官网ege学生健康保险计划于2021年8月15日至2022年8月14日起生效。2021-2022学年的保险费是3,440美元。马萨诸塞州的蓝色十字架和蓝盾为我们的学生提供了健康保险范围。对于大多数学生来说,保险费出现在7月贝尔。
Students returning from a leave of absence or attending the college as a new student for the spring 2022 semester, will be enrolled in the Wellesley College Student Health Insurance Plan. The dates of coverage are January 1, 2022 to August 14, 2022 and the rate for the policy period is $2,141 provided by Blue Cross and Blue Sheild of Massachusetts.
- 住院患者和门诊医疗费用,心理健康保险,处方药,诊断检测,实验室和X射线服务,紧急护理和紧急访问。
- 预防性护理100%覆盖。
- 访问校园和家庭附近的医生,专家和医院的全面网络。
- 在国外学习或度假时全球覆盖范围。
- 与学院学生荒地服务的协调。
- Access to discounts for dental, eyewear, and fitness services.
根据Wellesley的健康服务政策,所有在Wellesley College课程课程的所有学生都可以在没有充电的情况下在卫生服务办公室看到医生,护士从业亚博永久官网者或护士;但是,某些程序,治疗和实验室测试会产生收费。Well亚博永久官网esley College学生健康保险计划涵盖了大部分费用。卫生服务将直接划出涵盖服务计划。
Details about the Wellesley Plan, benefits comparison, participating doctors, and morecan be found the website of the Plan’s broker,大学健康计划。
- 了解您应该提出哪些问题,要求您当前的健康保险计划确保它具有可比性。
- 查看并下载学生保险手册以获得优势比较。
- 搜索for participating doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies.
- 提交在线豁免表格(下面的说明)。
如果您涵盖了全面的健康保险计划,您可以通过填写豁免表格来选择退出Wellesley Collech船舶,亚博永久官网www.universityhealthplans.com/。在放弃之前,将船舶的成本,覆盖范围和优惠与现有计划进行比较。请考虑以下内容:
您的计划必须在没有限制或限制的情况下提供Wellesley College Campus地区的医生,专家,医院,实验室,药房和心理健康/行为健康/行为健康/行为健康供应商。亚博永久官网
政策必须是美国健康保险计划filed and approved在美国和ACA(合理的护理法案)符合要求。旅行保险和短期有限的持续时间计划不被接受。
International students cannot waive coverage unless they are enrolled in a US filed and approved ACA (Affordable Care Act) compliant plan that provides both emergency and non-emergency care in Massachusetts, specifically the Wellesley College campus area
到期日放弃春季2022 Wellesley大学生健康保险是2022年1月3日亚博永久官网星期一。If this date is missed students must petition to waive the Plan through2022年2月23日星期三。请注意,申请的成功提交并不能保证豁免将被批准。
- 让您的当前健康保险证准备好,因为您需要此信息以完成豁免请愿书。
- 去www.universityhealthplans.com.。
- Click on "Wellesley College."
- Review information to determine if you qualify to waive your coverage.
- 使用Wellesley College电子邮件地址和学生证号码访问豁免请愿表。亚博永久官网
- Print a copy of your confirmation for your records。If you do not receive confirmation of your online waiver petition form, you must resubmit it.
- 如果豁免请愿书被批准,学生金融服务将在两到三个工作日内向3,440美元的保险费用提供学分的保险费。
If you have any questions on the waiver petition process, please contact University Health Plans at (833) 251-1116 or by email atinfo@univhealthplans.com.。