
NOTE: To submit most forms, you must be logged into your Wellesley Gmail account.

BL2 Lab Access Request Form

Faculty needing access for themselves, a student, or research colleague should complete this form to request access to the BL2 lab in room L319. Access will be granted for no more than a year to any non-faculty member of the community. This form must be completed annually for those needing continuing access.

Note: All users must have received prior BL2 training from Suzanne Howard (EHS) before access will be granted.

Animal Handlers Occupational Health Form This form must be completed before access to the Animal facility is granted. Students must complete this form annually (and return to Health Services for review); faculty/staff must complete this form bi-annually (and return form to EHS for review).
Animal Facility Access Request Form

All users requesting access to the Wellesley College Animal Facility must be listed on an active protocol approved by the Wellesley College IACUC; must have completed training offered by our consulting veterinarian; and must have completed an occupational health evaluation (annually for students; bi-annually for faculty/staff).

Access to the Facility will be revoked if researchers do not comply with all policies and procedures outlined in the Animal Facility user's manual.

Before submitting the access request form to the Animal Facility:

  • Complete theoccupational health formand return as indicated on form instructions.
  • Participate in training at least once every three years.
Animal Facility Protocol Forms(accessible from on-campus only; you must be logged into the Wellesley Domain)

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee forms:

Animal Facility Users Manual (accessible from on-campus only)

Users manual - all users of the facility should download and read this document prior to working in the facility:

In addition, all users should download and read the latest edition of theGuide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals(NRC 2011)

After Hours Access Request Forms

In order to request student access to facilities after hours, please fill out and submit the online forms below, either for a single student or a whole class.

After Hours Access Request Form (for a single student)

After Hours Access Request Form (for entire class)

CCPC Events Request

Please download, complete and submit this form to Deborah (Science Center Events Coordinator) if you'd like to schedule a departmental event.

CCPC Program Request Form

Radiation Safety Committee Forms (accessible from on-campus only)

All PIs wishing to work with radioisotopes must complete the appropriate form(s) below prior to the start of any experimental work.

Controlled Substances (accessible from on-campus only)

PIs needing to purchase controlled substances for experimental purposes should complete the relevant form(s) below:

  • Request to Purchase Controlled Substances