阿K.D.格雷厄姆,M。*拉曼,H。,*Parakoyi, A.E.R., *Corcoran, A., Belete, M., Ramaswamy, B., Koul, S., Sachar, I., Derendorf, K., Wilmer, J.B., Gottipati, S., and Tetel, M.J. Estradiol-mediated protection against high-fat diet induced anxiety and obesity is associated with changes in the gut microbiota in female mice, Scientific Reports, 13, 1-17, 2023.PDF
阿K.D.,Friedline, R.H., Ward, D.V., Graham, M.E., Tauer, L., Zheng, D., Hu, X., de Vos, W.M., McCormick, B.A., Kim, J.K., and Tetel, M.J. Differential effects of Akkermansia-enriched fecal microbiota transplant on energy balance in female mice on high-fat diet., Frontiers in Endocrinology, 1-17, 2022.PDF
阿K.D.能剧,上半叶,•格雷厄姆、Suk, S。,Friedline, R.H., *Gomez, C.C., *Parakoyi, A.E.R., Chen, J., Kim, J.K. and Tetel, M.J. Distinct Changes in Gut Microbiota Are Associated with Estradiol-Mediated Protection from Diet-Induced Obesity in Female Mice.代谢物。11日,22页,2021年。PDF
阿K.D.,Nettles, S.A., Lichti, C.F., Warre-Cornish, K., Dutan Polit, L., Srivastava, D.P., Denner, L. and Tetel, M.J. Dopamine-induced interactions of female mouse hypothalamic proteins with progestin receptor-A in the absence of hormone.神经内分泌学杂志》。32 (10):e12904,2020年。PDF
*歌曲,S。D, Acharya,降低价格朱* J.E.,Deveney, C.M., Walther-Antonio, M.R.S., Tetel, M.J. and贾:每日阴道微生物群的波动与自然荷尔蒙周期有关,避孕药,饮食和运动。米球5 (4):e00593-20, 2020年。PDF
阿K.D.高,X。,Bless, E.P, Chen, J. and Tetel, M.J. Estradiol and high fat diet associate with changes in gut microbiota in femaleob / ob老鼠。科学报告2019年,9 (1):1-13。PDF
阿K.D.,Nettles, S.A., Sellers, K.J., *Im, D.D., *Harling, M., Pattanayak, C., Vardar-Ulu,D., Lichti, C.F., Huang,S., Edwards, D.P., Srivastava, D.P., Denner, L. and Tetel, M.J. The progestin receptor interactome in the female mouse hypothalamus: Interactions with synaptic proteins are isoform-specific and ligand-dependent.eNeuro4:- 2017。PDF
祝福,密纹唱片*杨,J。,Acharya, Nettles, S.A., Vassoler, F.M., Byrnes, E.M., Tetel, M.J. Adult neurogenesis in the female mouse hypothalamus: Estradiol and high-fat diet alter the generation of newborn neurons expressing estrogen receptor alpha.eNeuro3:硕士论文,2016年。PDF
阿K.D.,*Finkelstein, S.D., Bless, E.P., Nettles, S.A., Mulac-Jericevic, B., Conneely, O.M., Mani, S.K., Tetel, M.J. Estradiol preferentially induces progestin receptor-A (PR-A) over PR-B in cells expressing nuclear receptor coactivators in the female mouse hypothalamus.eNeuro2:1 - 15,2015。PDF
祝福,e . P。* Reddy, T。,Acharya, K. D., Beltz, B. S., Tetel, M.J. Oestradiol and diet modulate energy homeostasis and hypothalamic neurogenesis in the adult female mouse.神经内分泌学杂志》26(11):805 - 816年,2014年。PDF
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布鲁斯,洛杉矶老年痴呆,N.E.,*Qiao, J.W., *DeFries, C.C., Tetel, M.J. and Wolfson, A.J. Neuropeptidase activity is down-regulated by estradiol in steroid sensitive regions of the hypothalamus in female mice.神经肽46:167 - 172年,2012年。PDF
冈萨雷斯,K.L.,Quadros-Menella, P.S., Tetel, M.J. and Wagner, C.K. Anatomically-specific actions of oestrogen receptor in developing female rat brain: Effects of oestradiol and selective oestrogen receptor modulators on progestin receptor expression.神经内分泌学杂志》2012年,24岁:285 - 291。PDF
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昔日,硕士*我,D。,*Webb, L.K., Zhao, Y., Chadwick, J.G.Jr., Molenda-Figueira, H.A., Haidacher, S.J., Denner, L.A. and Tetel, M.J. Steroid receptor coactivator-2 (SRC-2) expression in brain and physical associations with steroid receptors.神经科学169:1017 - 1028,2010。PDF
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Molenda-Figueira, H。*墨菲金丝*谢伊K.L.,*Siegal, N.K., Zhao, Y., Chadwick, J.G., Denner, L.A. and Tetel, M.J. Steroid receptor coactivator-1 from brain physically interacts differentially with steroid receptor subtypes.内分泌学149:5272 - 5279,2008。PDF
冈萨雷斯,K.L.、Tetel M.J.and Wagner, C.K. Estrogen receptor (ER) beta modulates ERalpha responses to estrogens in the developing rat ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.内分泌学149:4615 - 4621,2008。PDF
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