安装Stata/IC 15
Where to find this software at Wellesley
The KeyServered version of Stata/IC is standard course software in the campus computing labs. It may also be installed on faculty, staff and student computers for academic course-related work (not for administrative use). As of Stata 14, use for research is allowed.
Please submit any requests foradministrative use对软件的需求或Stata/SEtoLTSsoftware@wellesley.edu.
These instructions are forversion 15, the same version that is found on our classroom and computing lab computers.
System requirements
Make sure you have密钥访问安装。Stata是一款密钥服务器软件,KeyAccess是您在我们的网络上使用任何密钥服务器应用程序的“钥匙”。
If you do not have KeyAccess installed,或者你不确定是否需要follow these instructionsto install / update / re-install it.
Before you install Stata/IC
你有电话吗早期版本of Stata/IC installed on your computer? If you do, youmayneed to uninstall it before installing this version.
Try installing this,然后,如果您决定以后确实需要删除旧版本,并且需要使用标准软件删除步骤帮助卸载,请联系帮助台。
Install Stata/IC 15
- If your computer is off campus, use theVPN连接到校园网
密钥访问and access to the Academicstore > Software serverrequire a connection to the Wellesley network; on campus, that means connecting to the Wellesley Secure WiFi; off campus, that means being connected to vpn.wellesley.edu using Cisco AnyConnect. - Follow the instructions above to be sure密钥访问is set up and your computer meets thesystem requirements
- Copy the installer
- Go to the software share on the academicstore server
- 窗户: click
Start类型\\academicstore.wellesley.edu\softwareand press Enter
- Mac: inFinder,Gomenu,连接到服务器。。。类型smb://academicstore.wellesley.edu/softwareand press Enter
- If prompted for credentials, log in using yourWellesley username and password(Note: if you have trouble with this, trywellesley\usernameinstead of just your username)
麻烦connecting to thesoftwareshare on亚博国际网页登录平台商店?
如果您无法访问academicstore上的安装程序,亚博国际网页登录平台check your computer's DNS settings,并且,如果您在计算机上使用防火墙,您可能需要打开防火墙设置。例如,Windows 10上的Bitdefender:如何在Bitdefender 2019中添加网络异常See also below, "Trouble copying the installer," for links in Google Drive
- 窗户: click
- Open thefacstaffstudentsfolder, then theStatafolder, then the15folder
- 半径标注g the appropriate folder到计算机的桌面:窗户或Mac
- Wait....The installer is large and may take some time to finish copying.
麻烦copyingthe installer to your computer?
安装程序的备用副本可通过Google Drive获得(Mac窗户); use your Wellesley Google account to download it, then double-click on the downloaded ZIP file and continue with these instructions.
- Go to the software share on the academicstore server
- Once you're sure the installer has finished copying, close the window showing it on academicstore anddouble-click on the installer in the Windows or Mac folder on your computer's desktop
- Click through the installer as you would with any other, taking special note of these:
- if prompted to log in, use the same username and password you use to log in to your computer, or whatever credentials have administrative rights on your computer
- if asked which flavor of Stata you want to install, choose IC
(the licensing steps that follow only work for IC)
- 安装完成后,run Stataas you would any other piece of software (Windows start menu, Mac Applications folder or Spotlight)
- When prompted for a license, copy and paste the appropriate information from the Stata license text file (Stata15license.txt) that is in the same folder as the installer, on your desktop
- 您可能会收到自动更新选项的提示;请选择Do not allow automatic updates.
If you allow Stata to automatically update, the Key license may break and you may be unable to use Stata; if this happens to you, you can re-install Stata from this page.If updates are required, please contactLTSsoftware@wellesley.edufor assistance. - 请记住,这是一个密钥服务器软件,有限数量的计算机可以同时使用该程序。不使用时请退出Stata。
- Delete the installer from your desktop
Using Stata
See ourStata libguidefor helpful tips and resources for using Stata.