
SANS Cyber Security Awareness Training

SANS is our Cyber Security Awareness training. It is required by theWritten Information Security Policyto be taken annually by all administrative staff and also, effective fall 2021, by all students. Any faculty, union, or contract employee that has access to PI or requests access to Secure VPN is also required to complete this yearly training.Additionally, users who are the victims of a phishing attack are required to complete this course within 2 weeks after LTS identifies the issue, regardless of whether or not they have already completed the training. If a user fails to complete the training within 2 weeks, his or her remote access to College resources will be disabled. Newly hired employees are give 30 days to complete the training.LTS maintains records of all such training.

Log in to SANS(a link to thisData Security Trainingcan also be found in theMyWellesleyportal)

Learn more about Cyber Security at Wellesley College

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to do this training?

Student training takes an estimated 15-20 minutes.

Employee training takes an estimated 30-45 minutes.

Timing varies because there is a video and then quiz questions, so times below are just for the individual videos.

How do I know if I've completed the training?

While logged into the training, click on theAchievementsicon on the left.

Ifnotrainings appear, you have not completed any trainings.
If a training allows you to click onDownload certificate, that training is current and completed, and if someone at Wellesley requests your certificate in order to grant you access to Wellesley data, you can download the PDF and email it to them.

What are the individual modules for this training?

Included in theemployeetraining -- Title (video length in minutes:seconds):

You Are the Shield (1:19)
Malware (3:27)
Email and Phishing (3:56)
Passwords (3:57)
Targeted Attacks (4:02)
Browsing Safely (2:42)
Hacked (2:42)
Conclusion (1:34)
Security Policies Acknowledgement (time to review 2 web pages, then sign off)
Social Engineering Optional (4:29)
Social Networks Optional (2:22)
Mobile Devices Optional (2:20)
Data Security Optional (3:23)

Included in thestudenttraining:

Malware (3:27)
Email and Phishing (3:56)
Passwords (3:57)
Hacked (2:42)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (4:37)
Conclusion(1:34 )
You Are the Shield Optional
Social Engineering Optional
Social Networks Optional
Mobile Devices Optional
Data Security Optional
Browsing Safely Optional