Digital Scholarship Day

Digital Scholarship Days 2019: A celebration of innovative technologies and methods used by Wellesley College faculty, staff, and students.

Tuesday, April 9th
The Four Pillars of Effective Data Visualization & Ad Hoc Master Class with
Noah Iliinsky: Author of Designing Visualizations by O’Reilly Media
4:20-5:35pm Pendleton West 001

Wondering how to effectively communicate data in your papers, presentations, or research? Looking for feedback on your data visualization?

Noah Iliinsky, author ofDesigning Data Visualizations和技术cal editor of, and a contributor to,Beautiful Visualization, both published by O’Reilly Media, will be presenting “The Four Pillars of Effective Data Visualization” on Tuesday, April 9th 4:20-5:35 as part of Digital Scholarship Days.

Following his talk, audience members will have an opportunity to get feedback on their own visualizations from Iliinsky. These critiques will be done in a master class format where visualizations are presented and feedback is offered in front of the audience so everyone has a chance to learn from the exchange. If you are interested in presenting your visualization, please fill out the提交表单by Monday, April 8th. At the event, we will pick the names of at least one student, one staff member, and one faculty member from a hat to discover who will present.

Noah Iliinsky strongly believes in the power of intentionally crafted communication. He has spent the last decade researching, writing, and speaking about best practices for designing visualizations, informed by his professional experience developing software, undergraduate work in the sciences, and graduate work in user experience and interaction design. He is a frequent speaker and instructor in both industry and academic contexts.

His designs and trainings have been used by organizations including AWS, Barclay’s Wealth, Boeing, Corbis, The CIA, The Gates Foundation, IBM, O’Reilly Media, Qualtrics, UIE, and VMware.

Wednesday, April 10th
Student, Staff, and Faculty Lightning Talks and Interactive Demos
3:15-5:00pm Pendleton Atrium

Lightning Talks will begin at 3:30:

Bryan Burns (Classical Studies) and Hana Sugioka '21 (History) -- "Reconstructing Ancient Monuments on Site and on Campus"
瑞秋Kisken 20(和平与正义的研究和φlosophy) -- "An Emersive Gameplay Experience"
Lauren Tso '20 (Biological Sciences and Computer Science) -- "Statistical Consulting at the QAI"
Louisa Crane '19 (Environmental Studies and Spanish) -- "Interactive Map of the Edible Ecosystem"
David Olsen (Art) -- "'Survival Robot': A Sculptural/Digital Project about Cryptocurrency Mining"
Aubrey Simonson '19 (Media Arts & Sciences and Political Science) -- "Bird Noticing: A Virtual Reality Video Game about Bird Watching"
Shane Cox (LTS) -- "Resources for Digital Scholarship @ the Knapp Center"

Starting at 4:30: Cake! and Interactive Demos!
For Disability