For Hiring Managers

Workday on a computer screen

Student Employment: Information for Hiring Managers

Student employees play a vital role in our community as contributing members to nearly every Wellesley College department and office.As a supervisor, the role you play impacts not only thework of your department but often the success and retention of the students you supervise.Your contribution to the lives of our students as a supervisor is important and appreciated.

The transition to Workday for student employment hiring is exciting for the College from the perspective of inclusive excellence, alignment with data systems, and efficiency in application and hiring. While summer hiring will still take place in Handshake for 2021,all fall new hires will occur through Workday. The timeline for fall hires is outlined in the FAQ section below. Greater detail will also be sent in future email communications.


Contact:Student Employment | Office of Human Resources & Equal Opportunity|| 781-283-2211

Employer FAQs

2021 Student Employment Timeline

Hiring for Summer 2021
  • Positions previously posted in Handshake have been reinstated in Workday for the summer work period.
  • If you need to hire new students for the summer semester, please follow the steps below:
    • Post the opportunity in Workday under the "Student Employees" worklet. Instructions can be found in theCreating a Job Requisition Job Aid.
    • Review the applicants and hire the appropriate students. Instructions can be found in theReviewing Student Job ApplicantsandMaking Job Offersdocuments.
    • The supervisor will receive the normal hiring steps in their Workday inbox.
    • If this is the student’s first on-campus job, they must work with Student Employment to complete their employment paperwork.
  • Students who work during the summer term will have federal employment taxes withheld from their wages. Students will begin paying federal employment taxes for the pay period that startsJune 6. Federal employment taxes will cease being withheld as of the pay period that startsAugust 29. Student wages areincreased by $1.50for the summer work period due to the increase in taxes withheld during this time. If the student is continuing in the fall, the wage will revert to the hourly amount specified in the rehire process.
Hiring Returning Students for Fall 2021
  • 所有的招聘经理将receive a Workday inbox message prompting them to complete the returning student review process. Please note: In past years, hiring managers only needed to complete this step if they intended to give a small raise to returning student employees. This year, ALL hiring managers must complete this step (even if not setting a new hourly rate) as a confirmation that the student will continue in fall 2021.
  • Any returning student review process not completed by April 16will be used as confirmation that the student is not returning and thus signal that the role is able to be ended in the system. This process is important for all student workers in order to clean up their job records and have accurate start/end dates for future employers who may contact the College to confirm work history.
  • The recommendedmerit increase is $0.25. If the student is returning for both summer and fall, the increase will go into effect beginning in summer unless a higher hourly rate is specified in the summer request form.
Hiring New Students for Fall 2021
  • While summer hiring will still take place in Handshake for 2021, all fall hires will occur through Workday.
  • Training will occur in April 2021 followed by posting, sourcing applicants, interviewing students, and hiring in May and June. Email communications in late March will provide greater detail around dates and instructions.
  • Fall positions begin for the pay period starting Sunday, August 29. Students starting prior to the first week of fall employment will have federal employment taxes withheld for those select pay periods. Federal employment taxes will cease being withheld as of the pay period that starts August 29.
End of Spring 2021 Student Employment Term
  • Spring student employment endsTuesday, June 1. Communicate with current student employees as to when their last day of spring employment will occur.Students should not work past Tuesday, June 1 unless approved for summer positions.For students returning in the fall, hiring managers MUST complete the returning student review process occurring in Workday from May 1 - May 15 (see above).
  • All graduating seniors must stop working at the end of spring term andenter any remaining hours by June 5th. If you wish to hire a graduating senior to work this summer, you must hire the student as a casual wage employee.
  • It is recommended that hiring managers plan a final meeting and reflection with their students on their contributions for the past semester or year. Students greatly benefit from the support of hiring managers in helping them to articulate their contributions and skills gained as they think toward the future and consider how to position their employment history in a resume or cover letter.