Immunization Compliance

We need your help!

Wellesley College Health Services is dedicated to achieving community immunity and is actively reaching out to students who are missing any immunizations.

Student Health PortalLog in to check your immunization status and read important messages from Health Service regarding required immunizations.

Wellesley College Health Services prides itself in robust immunization rates in compliance withrequirementsissued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH).

For Students missing or previously waiving immunizations:

Students will be contacted by Health Services if they are missing or may have waived, such as the meningococcal vaccine. Health Services offers vaccinations to any student who has previously signed a waiver, while continuing to honor all religious and medical exemptions in accordance withMA DPH Exclusion Guidelines.

Students whose records are incomplete may also upload immunization documentation within the portal.

Call 781.283.2810 to schedule an appointment for immunizations.

Students with the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) will have the claim submitted for them. Students with non-SHIP will receive an electronic statement for these immunizations.

Immunization fees

General Vaccine Information

For yourself and for the immune compromised members of this community—thank you for your help in our achieving Wellesley College COMMUNITY IMMUNITY!