
ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics

This first course in economics introduces students to the market system. Microeconomics considers the decisions of households and firms about what to consume and what to produce, and the efficiency and equity of market outcomes. Supply and demand analysis is developed and applied. Policy issues include price floors and ceilings, competition and monopoly, income distribution, and the role of government in a market economy.


ECON 214 Trade Policy

An introduction to international trade in theory and practice. Emphasis on the microeconomic dimensions of trade relations between countries, examining why nations engage in international trade and evaluating the benefits and costs of such activity. Topics to be covered include trade and the welfare of workers in developed and developing nations; arguments for and against trade protection; the use of tariffs, quotas and other trade barriers; and the choice of trade strategies in developing economies


ECON 220 Development Economics

Survey and analysis of problems and circumstances of less developed nations. Examination of theories of economic growth for poor nations. Review of policy options and prospects for low and middle income economies. Specific topics include: population growth, poverty and income distribution, foreign aid, and human resource strategies.


ECON 246 Inequality

How much income and wealth inequality is there in the United States today? How has inequality changed over time and what explains these changes? What effect does inequality have on standards of living, health and democracy? Should we attempt to reduce inequality, or would doing so come at too great a cost to liberty and economic growth? Answering these questions requires knowledge and analytical tools from both Economics and Philosophy. Through a combination of empirical analysis and normative argument, this team-taught course will provide you with the core skills you need to understand and critically assess contemporary debates on inequality in America


ECON 335 Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: Economic Journalism

Students will combine their knowledge of economics, including macro, micro and econometrics, with their skills at exposition, in order to address current economic issues in a journalistic format. Students will conduct independent research to produce weekly articles. Assignments may include coverage of economic addresses, book reviews, recent journal articles, and interviews with academic economists. Class sessions will be organized as workshops devoted to critiquing the economic content of student work. Enrollment limited to 12.
