CLCE General Funding Application

General Event Funding

CLCE will provide funding for events that will educate and enrich the Wellesley community. These events include, but are not necessarily limited to; lectures, panels, workshops, performances, and conferences. CLCE events must be open to all College Community members.

The CLCE meets during the academic year to review applications and make decisions on funding. Please note that all applications for in-person events will need to go through a second step of approval by the Provost’s Office.

2021-22 Application Deadlines:

Fall 2021: Thursday, October 7, 2021




Late applications will NOT be considered. There are no exceptions. Applications must be submitted by 11:59pm on the respective due date.请允许申请截止日期为10-14天,以获得委员会的回复。


Student Annual Cultural Events:

The Office of Intercultural Education is now managing the application process for annual cultural


Slater International Center. To apply please complete the following关联



  1. 咨询(教师/员工): It is mandatory to consult (via email) with a Member of the CLCEat least one week prior到申请截止日期。

  1. Consultation (Students):学生必须咨询学生服务代表(Jessica Grady,学生参与和领导者主任)at least one week prior到申请截止日期。必须在与发言人/表演者谈判合同之前进行磋商。

  1. 共赞助:所有活动必须申请其他部门,委员会或学生团体的共同赞助。CLCE寻找具有重要财务支持和/或其他选区的重大编程援助的提案。CLCE是最后一个手段的资助。Students are encouraged to seek funds from other student groups and to approach academic departments only in the case of events connected with the work of that department.

  1. 事件目的/目标:Each event must have a title that clearly identifies the event purpose. The application must describe the estimated audience size, event goals, the focus of the event, featured speaker/performer, and ways in which the event will benefit the Wellesley College community.

  1. Honorarium & Speaker Fees(will not be awarded to Wellesley Faculty):
    • Honorarium:支付给在高等教育机构进行学术任命的发言者。不得超过1,500美元。
    • Speaker Fee:paid to speakers who are not affiliated with an institution of higher education.
    • We expect fees will be lower for virtual-only events as opposed to in-person events with an online component. In-person events are more likely to receive funding if they include a streaming or virtual component that makes the event available online

  1. 没有入场费:or cover fee may be charged to Wellesley College students, faculty or staff for events funded through the CLCE. Admission fee or cover fee may be charged to off-campus persons only to offset costs of the event.Any profit made or unused funds must be returned to the CLCE.

  1. Scheduling:请访问事件和调度办公室网站for current guidelines and resources.
  • 参考Scheduling FAQon the Event's Office website
  • Review theKey Dates&社区日历。应安排事件,以避免与已经安排的事件和宗教节日冲突。学期结束,特别是春季学期,往往会大量安排。我们敦促那些提出的活动,尽可能在学期的早期部分寻求日期。
  • 事件(including virtual events) must be scheduled on-line at25。事件should be scheduled so as to maximize the potential audience
  • For further assistance, contact the appropriate scheduling office (listed on Scheduling FAQ site) to review potential dates for conflict

  1. 飞涨:评论ZOOM常见问题和提示ZOOM LTS技术支持网站。

  1. Budget: The proposed budget should be as specific as possible. When preparing your budget, consider the following list (in addition to other costs)
    • Honorarium ($1,500 max; cannot be Wellesley faculty)
    • 运输(往学院),机票和/或出租车
    • 讲师/表演者的住宿和餐点
    • Dinner off campus and/or reception for guests of eventwithin reason and students must be included.
    • 宣传开支
    • 监护服务,声音系统和媒体服务
    • Other costs specific to the event type - Budget Clarity
      • Food budget (within reason).请提供以下详细信息:
        • Name of vendor(s)
        • 附上供应商的发票/价格报价
        • 每人的费用

10。可持续性:We strongly encourage applicants to reference the Office of Sustainability'sZero Waste Guidelines

11.活动包装报告:must be submitted the conclusion of your event.

Please note:

  • Proposals for events that have already occurred will not be funded. Also, once the CLCE has approved an application, the Committee will not consider any requests for additional funds for the same event. You may only apply once for each event.


  • Alcohol
  • 礼物
  • 事件for members only and/or not open to the entire College Community
  • 荣誉到现在的Wellesley教师
  • 被描述为“杂项”的项目



  • 将加强和教育Wellesley College社区亚博永久官网
  • Include all application materials
  • 已发布的截止日期提交
  • 明确陈述事件标题
  • 解释社区活动的重要性
  • 解释预算提案中列出的物品
  • When necessary, contracts have been reviewed by appropriate CLCE members


  • Budget details are not carefully constructed.
  • CLCE has limited funding and is not able to match the entire request.
  • 申请缺乏重要共同赞助。


  • 拟议的事件似乎没有教育和/或丰富Wellesley College社区,因此不会满足CCCE的使命。亚博永久官网
  • Funding is being asked for an event that has already occurred.
  • An Honor Code violation occurred in the submission of the proposal (e.g., falsification of relevant event information, plagiarism, etc.).