
New and Past Events

数字恢复倡议:阅读隐形库。肯塔基大学计算机科学系吉尔教授和椅子讲座讲座。图书馆演讲室,CLAPP库。2019年11月14日在下午5:00。书籍研究研讨会,2019年11月14日从11:30 AM-1:45下午。由美国考古学研究所赞助,混合学习倡议和书籍研究。

招聘车间与Jana Dambrogio和Daniel Starza,2019年4月16日,晚上7点至下午,书籍艺术实验室。由中世纪/文艺复兴的研究计划和书籍研究赞助。

Inky Fingers: Scholars and Artisans in the Renaissance Printing House.Anthony Grafton的讲座,Henry Putnam大学普林斯顿大学历史教授,柯林斯电影院,2019年4月10日。由图书馆的朋友赞助。

Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature.A Lecture by Robert Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor Emeritus and University Librarian Emeritus. Library Lecture Room, Clapp Library. March 5, 2019 at 4:30 pm.Sponsored by Book Studies, the Friends of the Library, The Suzy Newhouse Center for the Humanities, The Departments of French and of History, and the Andrew W. Mellon Society of the Fellows of Critical Bibliography.

纸保护程序:与玛丽法语'09,书房保护商的对话。图书馆演讲室,CLAPP库。Tuesday, March 15, 2018 from 4:15-5:30 pm. Sponsored by Book Studies, the Book Arts Program, the Conservation Facility, and Wellesley Career Education.

Folger Shakespeare Library Transcribe-A-Thon.Pendleton Knapp Atrium, Wednesday, March 8, 2017 from 12:30-5:30 pm. Heather Wolfe, Curator of Manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library and Paul Dingman, Project Manager forEarly Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO)由安德鲁W. Mellon混合学习倡议和BAUM基金赞助。

早期现代英格兰的纠结的文本。Heather Wolfe的讲座,叶片莎士比亚图书馆的手稿的策展人。创始人120,2017年3月7日星期二,下午4:15。由Andrew W. Mellon混合学习倡议和讲座和文化活动委员会赞助(BAUM基金)赞助。免费对公众开放。

如何处理人文学科:在本书中寻找(和资金)后沃里斯利研究。与Meredith Santaus16的非正式午餐和讨论。图书馆演讲室,ClApp库,2016年12月13日星期二,下午12点:下午12点。

Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections,Thursday, November 3 - Saturday, November 5, 2016, Boston College, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and Harvard University. View morehere

Graphic Design in the Digital Future: Lessons from the Renaissance Book,Saturday, September 10, 2016, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Library Lecture Room, Clapp Library, Wellesley College. Speakers and workshop leaders include Simran Thadani, '05 (Letterform Archive);Russell Maret(printer/type designer);Ken Botnick(华盛顿大学圣路易斯和Emdash设计工作室);Soe Lin Post(公共事务,Wellesley);索希李(计算机科学,Wellesley);Katherine M. Ruffin(书籍学习和书籍艺术,Wellesley);和Ruth R. Rogers(特殊收藏品,Wellesley)。由Sarah Wall-Randell,英语副教授和Simon Grote,历史教授组织组织的妇幼保值。由书籍学习赞助,中世纪文艺复兴的研究计划,英语,历史和计算机科学部门。在稀有书学校的批判性书目中慷慨地支持Andrew W. Mellon奖学金。

Rachel Bartgis,国家档案馆,“在十八世纪写作,”Friday, April 15, 2016, 4:15-6:15pm, Book Arts Lab, Clapp Library. Sponsored by Long Eighteenth Century Working Group, the History Department, and Book Studies.

尼克·威尔布尔,历史副教授,佐治亚州立大学,“锻造月亮;或者,如何发现假伽利略,”Wednesday, February 3, 2016, 12:30 pm, Science Center 277. Co-sponsored by Book Studies, the CLCE's Edwards Fund, and the Science Center.

Kristina Milnor, Professor of Classics, Barnard College, "Faustilla the Pawnbroker: On Gender and Finance in the Early Roman Empire,"2015年11月11日,FND 120下午5:00。

Sylvia Sellers-Garcia, Assistant Professor of History, Boston College, "Distance and Documents at the Spanish Empire's Periphery,"April 27, 2015, 4:00 pm. Sponsored by Book Studies, the History Department, and the Long 18th Century Working Group.

Kislak中心主任威廉诺尔董事和宾夕法尼亚大学学院Schoenberg Institute,“Archimedes Palimpsest和真正打开稿件数据”,“2015年4月8日星期三,下午12:30。由科学教师研讨会系列赞助,Wellesley星期三,书籍学习和威尔逊基金,与艺术部,经典部,媒体艺术和科学计划以及中世纪和文艺复兴的研究计划共同赞助。

Kenneth Carpenter, Former Curator, Kress Library of Business and Economics, Harvard University, "How Economic Ideas Travel: The Incredible Journey of Benjamin Franklin's 'Way to Wealth',"2014年12月4日星期四,下午5:00,图书馆演讲室。

Simran Thadani,从宾夕法尼亚大学,2013年的英语博士,2005年Wellesley学院的西班牙语和英语,“文艺复兴书写书籍的作者和匿名,”亚博永久官网星期一,11月10日,下午4:15;和“Wellesley的人文专业的职业生涯,”2014年11月9日星期日,下午4:00,露露王中心415。

Rie Hachinayagi,艺术教授,MT. Holyoke学院,“艺术家的演讲”,Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 12:30 pm, Library Lecture Room; and“日本造纸演示,”Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 4:00 pm, Papermaking Studio, Pendleton West 114.

凯利Whitmer,助理教授历史,缝纫anee: the University of the South, "How to Build an Imaginary Cabinet of Curiosities: Lessons in Entrepreneurship for Gallant Youth, ca. 1700,"2014年3月12日,下午5:00,图书馆演讲室。

2014年图书研究教师研讨会:与书籍和其他文本技术教学和进行研究 - 技术:书籍历史,沃思利学院的书籍艺术和书籍学习亚博永久官网Sponsored by the Provost’s Office and Library & Technology Services and made possible by the generous support of The Friends of the Wellesley College Library’s Innovations in Reading and Scholarship Fund. Tuesday, January 14, through Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ann Blair, Henry Charles Lee Professor of History at Harvard University“太多了解:在数字时代之前管理学术信息”Saturday, November 10, 2012, 4 pm Collins Cinema

Peter Stallybrass, Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Humanities and Professor of English and of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of PennsylvaniaSuzy Newhouse人文中心伊丽莎白特纳乔丹'59讲座讲座和研讨会讲座:“什么是一封信?”(符合信函)2012年12月3日星期一:下午4:30研讨会:“什么是书?”2012年12月4日星期二:12:30-2:00,Suzy Newhouse Center

Porrzheimer学习和教学中心午餐:“史密斯学院的书籍学习集中”Lecture by Martin Antonetti, Curator of Rare Books, Smith College Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 12:30 Library Lecture Room

2012年图书研究教师研讨会:书籍教学和其他文本技术:书籍历史,书籍艺术和书籍课程书籍。“Sponsored by the Provost’s Office and Library & Technology Services and made possible by the generous support of The Friends of the Wellesley College Library’s Innovations in Reading and Scholarship Fund Monday, June 4-Wednesday, June, 6, 2012