其他信贷选项(2-4 units)
Independent Study/娱乐和俱乐部/其他大学/MIT/Incoming Transfer Students
Independent Study Programs (2-4 units)
Students whose level of expertise in an activity is beyond the scope of regular course offerings and who will be training under the guidance of a highly skilled coach/instructor
有需要修改的身体活动的医疗条件的学生。有医疗限制的学生将与Niki Rybko开展他们的课程,与卫生服务和可访问性和残疾资源合作。申请医疗独立研究的学生必须包括医疗文件,注意到由于医疗限制/■,他们无法参与身体活动。本文档可以来自您的医生监督您的护理或可能来自卫生服务。
Student may earn a max of four (4) units of physical education credit through the standard independent option. Students may not receive credit retroactively.
A student must submit a proposal using the form below to Keri O'Meara, Associate Professor of Physical Education, prior to starting their independent program.春季2022年的截止日期为2022年2月1日。
- A strong instructional component with clearly outlined learning objectives.
- 定期监督/监督认可(或认证)培训师/教练/教练。
帮助PE department make informed decisions about independent study proposals, students must include as much detail as possible: activity, location, dates, times, instructor(s) qualifications, etc. Learning/performance objectives are particularly important, so students must emphasize the educational components of their programs.
Independent Study Proposal Form
两个PE学分的独立计划必须包括至少10小时的活动。对于四个学分,计划必须包括21小时的活动。有关其他问题,请联系Keri O'Meara。
Recreation and Club Activities
Students may earn PE credit for participating in college-sponsored recreational programs that include at least 10 hours of physically active, formal, progressive instruction under the guidance of a qualified instructor. This option is available to students only once during their Wellesley career, for a max of two credits, regardless of activity or the number of times a student participates. Participants on PERA-supported club sports may earn a max of four credits.
- 如果舞蹈或俱乐部由学生参与和大学政府至少为连续三个学期,学生可以获得信贷。
- Students’ 10 hours of physical activity can include practices and/or competitions
- 在学期结束时,俱乐部总统必须提交出勤日志that includes all the students eligible for credit and the dates and lengths of the practices they attended.Deadline is the last day of classes for the semester for which students are earning credit.没有出席记录=没有信贷
- PE credit for club activities is not awarded retroactively.
Recreation programs for credit
PERA支持的俱乐部(4CR MAX) | 学生Orgs(2Cr Max) |
射箭 | Aiko. |
Equestrian Club | 升级 |
Ice Hockey | 舞厅舞蹈队 |
橄榄球俱乐部 | 肚皮舞社会 |
Sailing Team | Cielito Lindo |
Ski Team (Alpine and Nordic) | Culture Shows (KSA, CSA, Slater, WASAC) |
终极飞盘 | 自由泳 |
Water Polo | 辉光 |
亚博永久官网Wellesley College Dancers. | Gumboot |
Certification Programs (normally 2-4cr max) | ITF Taekwon-Do Club |
Aerobics instructor (2 cr) | 郊游俱乐部 |
救生员认证(2 CR) | Quidditch俱乐部 |
RAD Self Defense (2 cr) | 沃德多 |
Emergency Medical Team (4 cr) | Wushu |
MIT ROTC (8 cr max) | yanvalou. |
凸起俱乐部 | |
showokan空手道俱乐部 |
One-day recreation programs
Students may earn credit for physical education classes taken at other colleges by asking the host institution’s Physical Education Department to send an email to the Wellesley Physical Education Registrar confirming the students’ satisfactory completion of the class. This policy applies to M.I.T., all schools in the 12-College Exchange and any certified institution of higher learning, provided the courses are part of the host institution’s Physical Education Department’s curriculum and taught by faculty members of that department.
Credit for PE classes at MIT
Already Cross-registered at MIT?您有资格在与MIT学生相同的注册窗口中在线注册MIT体育课程。用麻省理工学期注册商确认(physicaleducationandwellness@mit.edu) for eligibility. The MIT PE Online Registration calendar for cross-registered students can be found这里.
Wellesley学生不会交叉注册:请按照注册说明进行操作这里. After the close of online registration, MIT Physical Education will post a list of courses with open spots for Wellesley students to consider.
在Wellesley接受PE学分:Students should emailphysicaleducationandwellness@mit.eduto request that confirmation be sent to the Wellesley Physical Education registrar. Include your name and the course you took at MIT (title, course number, section, and day/time of the course).
Incoming Transfer Students
Transfer students are admitted as if they have completed some PE credits in physical education prior to admission at Wellesley. The number of physical education points awarded to a student depends on the number of academic credits they bring from their previous institution. In general, students admitted as first-semester sophomores (with 8 academic credits) receive 4 credits, which means they have fulfilled half the PE graduation requirement and need to earn four more. Students admitted as first-semester juniors (with 16 academic credits) receive 8 credits, which fulfills the requirement. Transfer students may petition the Department for additional credit.