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My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)

Volunteer Leadership

Volunteer Leadership

We are so pleased that our classmates, listed below, have agreed to chair reunion committees. They are already hard at work. Please email if you would like to serve on one of the committees.

Reunion Co-Chairs – Helen Austern Colson and Kerry Johnson Snyder

Mini Reunions – Linda Lee Reiss Freeman

Dorm Arrangements - Toni Murphey Harkness
Flowers – Jane Douglas Moore

Meals and Social Hour – Marilyn Zwygart Peterson

Friday Evening Gathering – Franny Berth Myles

Memorial Service – Cynthia Adams Hoover, Barbara Barnett Wing

Insignia – Jean Fuller Farrington

Parade Marshall – Nan Willard Magaud

流动性-Nickie Newman Tanner

Questionnaire – Mary Rosenthal Lefkowitz, Jane Douglas Moore

Record Book – Betsy Rauch Rainoff

Treasurer – Holly Trentman Day

Web Site – Kerry Johnson Snyder

Concord Extension – Linda Lee Reiss Freeman