Academic Offerings

Wellesley cultivates action-oriented scholars who think big and reach far.

The Wellesley Course Catalog cuts across academic boundaries—and national ones. Over300 coursesaddress complex cross-cultural issues, such as, “Nations in Global, Intersectional Perspective,” “Politics of International Migration,” and “Global Change Biology.” New interdepartmental programs are added every year.

Wall Street power broker or research scientist, understanding the world’s cultures through their languages is essential to success. Wellesley offers courses in Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Swahili—15 to choose from—more languages than any other liberal arts college in America. We also provide on-campus language-immersion housing and dining options:Maison Française,La Casa Cervantes,German Corridor, and Chinese, Japanese and Korean lunch tables.

More than half of Wellesley studentsstudy abroad. Wellesley sponsors College-facilitated exchanges in Austria, England, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and Spain. Students can also study at more than100 approved externally administered programsor our intensiveWintersession travel programs.