Habiba Choudhury与其他参与者一起参与了一张团体照片的转型司法领导人计划
Habiba Choudhury DS’22(中)于1月8日至14日在葛底斯堡学院参加了北美和平计划联合会(Consortium of North American Peace Programs)的首届变革性司法领袖计划(Transformative Justice Leaders Program)。




许多韦尔斯利的学生远程参与了实习和研究金项目,其中许多是通过蜂巢实习项目. Tazrean Hossain ’24 and Annalise Paul ’22 interned with Hannah Vogler ’96 at the Pulaski County, Ark., affiliate of多莉·帕顿的想象图书馆,他们建立了一个为期一年的社交媒体计划,以提高对该群体的认识,并为家长提供教育资源。他们说,通过结合侯赛因的社交媒体知识和保罗在幼儿发展方面的背景,他们为Instagram、Facebook和Twitter创建并安排了内容:“我们学会了如何编写内容,以成功吸引不同的受众和复杂的社交媒体管理。”

I enjoyed the quiet and peace of campus without other commitments to focus on the work. My favorite memory would be being awake early Friday, January 7, the big snow day, writing by the window and blasting David Bowie.

Maddie Paoletti'22

Habiba Choudhury DS ’22 participated in the Consortium of North American Peace Programs’ inauguralTransformative Justice Leaders Programfrom January 8 to 14 at Gettysburg College. Choudhury and 10 other fellows from the U.S. and Canada explored the power of collective mobilization to cultivate racial equality and justice in a polarized world. They attended workshops with influential experts, organizers, and scholars in the field of public service and peace building, and learned about strategic ways to address injustice in the 21st century. At first, Choudhury said, “I felt overwhelmed, thinking how can I, a single person, address the most pressing issues of our time. But while doing the program, I learned that students’ participation in justice matters. In encouraging student leaders to work together rather than alone, we can disrupt the status quo and end forms of poverty or inequalities.” Choudhury is now working on a project to enact green racial equality in her neighborhood of Queens Village in New York City over the next two years.

一些韦尔斯利的运动员在冬季训练期间留在了校园。24岁的艾丹·里德(Aidan Reid'24)参加了冬季田径训练,他说:“在训练期间和训练后的电影之夜,我都能和队友们度过很多高质量的时间。训练很紧张,有些天我们进行了三次训练,但总的来说,把时间集中在跑步和团队凝聚力上是非常好的。我期待着本赛季剩下的时间!”

Reid’s teammate Ellie Murphy-Weise ’23 said: “This Wintersession, I had the honor of participating in the Albright Institute, as well as the distinct pleasure of scheduling my indoor track preseason around it. In addition to spending eight hours on Zoom learning about everything from cybersecurity and data privacy to Indigenous-led land conservation, I attended practices as a member of the distance squad on the track team on campus. Wintersession was really fulfilling, as I was able to bond with my athletics team and also work on community-based solutions for the small arms trade in Colombia with my Albright team!”

The track team practiced on campus over Wintersession.
由Aidan Reid'24提供的照片



Many literary types were able to spend quality hours reading and writing. Cheryl Minde ’24 transcribed poetry forLynne Lawner ’57通过蜂巢实习项目,“这很有趣,”她说。“我也有机会创作自己的一些创意作品。”

Ann Zhao'24使用1月来赶上一些阅读。这些是她享受的一些书籍。

Ann Zhao ’24 wrote, “I’m an author in my spare time, so over Wintersession, free from the responsibilities of classes and orgs, I spent a lot of my time reading and writing. I’m currently working on a complete overhaul of my first book, a young adult novel, which I had set aside for about a year, and over the course of break, I drafted about 50,000 words of a new version. I also read a lot, from casually sifting through books I’ve had lying around the house to critiquing drafts of books by my writer friends. I love being immersed in stories, both my own and those of others, so having the time to focus on what’s usually not as high of a priority for me was really helpful.”

一些学生留在校园继续他们的研究。Maddie Paoletti'22正在研究一篇生物科学荣誉论文,该论文由Vanja Klepac-Ceraj,生物科学副教授。她正在MIT的Gregory Fournier实验室进行了研究,继续麻省理工大学尿路(Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) she’s been part of for two years. “My project is studying the history of carbon fixation done by marine green sulfur bacteria through phylogenetics (trees of life) and its implications for the geological record of early life,” she explained. “The work is computational bioinformatics so has been done entirely remote; since this is a continuing project from other research, all my data collection is finished, so I worked on analyzing my results and writing over Wintersession. I enjoyed the quiet and peace of campus without other commitments to focus on the work. My favorite memory would be being awake early Friday, January 7, the big snow day, writing by the window and blasting David Bowie.”

Many students used January for much-needed relaxation and decompression and time with loved ones. Bryn van Dommelen ’22 spent Wintersession at home in Columbus, Ohio, with her parents, three dogs, and her adult sister: “It was just nice to be home. Ever since the start of the pandemic, college life and classes have been difficult for me. So it was good to get away from everything for a while.”

24岁的丽雅·巴拉昌德兰(Riya Balachandran)花了一个冬天的时间烹饪和尝试新的食谱。巴拉昌德兰说:“偶尔,我妈妈和我会一起做一些事情,这是我成长过程中,当我们的关系更加紧张时,我们从未做过的事情。”。“我喜欢那种安静的爱,比如推出天妇罗卷,或者在炉子上放一壶茶,然后一起吃。”

Hannah Whellan'22写道:“这位韦尔斯谢尔我从国外回来了,直奔48小时睡觉。我在学期在布达佩斯学习,并开始回到德克萨斯州的太阳是一个神奇的事情。Wintersession的其余部分我主要看到家里的朋友,抚摸着我的狗和猫。我现在没有在大约两年内去过Wellesley的校园,所以回归Wellesley的预期飙升。我认为回到校园将是一个第一次去校园的新生。这是我上一学期的大学,我很高兴看到校园和新鲜的眼睛,只是有一个惊人的学期!“

22岁的汉娜·惠兰(Hannah Whellan)在冬季训练期间与她的宠物度过了美好时光