Four students stand arm in arm with one holding a Tanner sign in front of her.
Sophie Wang ’22—surrounded by friends at the Tanner Conference—discussed her internship experience which helped her better understand obstacles facing minority- and women-owned business enterprises.
Photo provided by Shawyuan Hsu ’23

Students, Faculty, and Staff Attend Tanner 2021: “It’s good to be back.”

October 14, 2021

During Wednesday’s Tanner Picnic—the kickoff event for theTanner Conference—students, faculty, and staff enjoyed beautiful fall weather as they attended a community lunch on Alumnae Hall lawn. Anna Mervosh ’22 used the time to prepare for her Tanner presentation, called “Taking Flight: Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Ambitious Climate Action.” It was her second presentation, but the first one delivered in person. “Virtual was easier because I could have my notes in front of me,” she said. “In person is going to be a little different.” Her friend Udita Baja ’22, another Tanner presenter, offered her advice on public speaking, which included making eye contact with the audience. “She’s great,” Mervosh said about Baja’s guidance.

“One of the most wonderful elements of the Tanner Conference is the chance it gives us all to gather together,” saidElizabeth Mandeville’04, director of exploration and experiential learning. “Between Wednesday's picnic and the sessions held through the week, there has been a sense of energy, camaraderie, and community that just can't be replicated online. It’s good to be back!”

Two students sit on the grass, looking at a computer together.
Victoria Percoco ’23 (left) and Maeve Hulsman-Wells ’23 work on homework while attending the Tanner community lunch. Percoco was a first-time Tanner presenter. She discussed her experience as an intern at a midsize PR agency and how it helped her redefine her relationship to media.
Two students make a presentation at the front of a classroom.
Emerson Rogers ’22 (left) and Jada Allison ’22 spoke about their internship—funded through the Albright Institute—with the Rose Bowl Institute, a nonprofit organization that emphasizes the importance of sportsmanship in building leadership and citizenship.
Photo provided by Shawyuan Hsu ’23
President Paula Johnson wears a mask while attending a Tanner presentation and is seen mid-clap in the photo.
President Paula Johnson joined the audience for some of the Tanner presentations.
Photo provided by Shawyuan Hsu ’23
A Tanner promotional sign hangs on the front of a door while in the background a student presents her work.
Presentations covered a range of topics, from “Building a Rural Digital Economy” to “Researching the Lost Jewish Histories of the Middle East” to “Empowering Pakistani Women Through English Literacy.” Students played pieces on the carillon throughout the conference, as well.
Photo provided by Shawyuan Hsu ’23