In intensive courses, "students spend more time per week engaged with the course, varying the learning activities will help prevent the weeks from feeling long and monotonous."-Wellesley College Quick Start Guide: section 1
"Discussion forums give students an asynchronous way to talk to each other, and give the instructor a way to monitor and assess learning. Forums also provide students opportunities to learn from each other’s questions (and answers). They provide, in effect, the same benefits to both students and the instructor that circling the classroom while students are working in groups does. In most hybrid and/or remote courses, participation in discussion forums is part of a student’s final grade."- Wellesley College Quick Start Guide: section 3
Google Groups
Sakai Forums
Group Work
组工作有助于构建和重要ain a sense of community as well as providing benefits for learning.- Wellesley College Quick Start Guide: section 3
Group conversations inZoom breakout rooms
Tools for collaborating on media
Google slides, docs, sheets
Zoom whiteboard
Zoom annotation
- VoiceThread
- Perusall
- H5P in Wordpress
Peer feedback in Sakai Assignments
Group Grading in Sakai
Frequent interactions can help sustain engagement in online learning environments. Polls also help activate recall which helps learning.
Google Forms
To learn how to use these tools and more, explore theLearning Activities resources on VIRTL.